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Min-Ji's pov

Seungkwan seemed to have taken a few minutes longer than I expected to process what I'd told him. "You're my sister?" He asked with a shakey voice after he'd finally processed the situation, causing me to nod.

I took a deep breath before answering him. "I believe so yes. I just found out last night that I was adopted as a baby, then today I was told that I have a brother named Boo Seungkwan. I'm assuming you're the Boo Seungkwan I was told about. We can get a DNA test done or something if you want proof. I just want to be with my biological family, or what's left of them anyway." I said sadly as he began driving.

"We can figure that all out later. For now let's just worry about getting you guys settled in." He said softly as he pulled into a gated community that seemed to be only a ten minute drive from the train station. A few minutes later he pulled into the driveway of what looked to be a mansion. "Your house is huge!" I exclaimed looking at the house in awe.

"Well it has to be in order to comfortably home all the people that live with me." He sassed cutely causing me to smile.

"You're a sassy one." I said causing him to raise his eye brow at me. "I like it." I added smiling softly.

The four of us got out of the car after Seungkwan had parked in the driveway. "Just a fair warning I live with several different men. They're all like us so you should be fine with them. The only person in the house who hasn't transformed is Chan." Seungkwan warned as we made our way inside with our bags.

I looked around in awe as I entered the house. It had a beautiful 16th century vibe to it. The decor was bright and airy colors such as yellow, pink and red, the sofa was a light tan with little red throw pillows, the drapes were a yellow color that seemed to pull the room together, and the lamp shades were a light pink. Everything matched so perfectly that I could imagine myself staying there permanently.

Seungkwan smiled as he showed us around the house before showing us our rooms. "This one will be yours Min-Ji noona." He said softly once we stopped outside a beautifully decorated room. The walls were white, while the bedsheets were a beautiful baby blue and purple color. The carpet was baby blue which kept the aura of the room light and airy. There was a baby blue canopy that hung over the bed. The room seemed to be a pieceful one.

I absolutely loved the room and said a shy "thank you." To Seungkwan before he left to show Jihoon and Chan their rooms. I decided that while they were busy I'd unpack my things. I didn't want to wait and have to do everything later when I could just get it done right now.

I hung up the last shirt before sitting my duffel bag on the floor of the closet. My stomach began growling once I had finished unpacking. I sighed softly hoping I wouldn't get lost as I made my way out of my room and went downstairs. I managed to follow my senses and ended up in the kitchen where an extremely tall man was standing in front of the stove preparing something to eat.

I didn't want to bother him, however it'd be rude not to off help. "Um.. excuse me, would you like some help?" I asked the tall man causing him to look back at me and smile.

"Ah hi you must be Min-Ji. Woozi and Dino have told us a lot about you." He smiled sweetly. "And you don't have to, I'm sure I can handle on my own, but if you'd like to help I'm not going to turn down free help." He added softly.

I smiled softly making my way over to the taller man. "Yes, I'm Min-Ji and I insist you allow me to help." I said softly before asking what he was making. After being informed of what he was cooking I began preparing the vegetables that were meant for the meal. I honestly loved cooking even if I didn't normally get the chance to cook for myself or anyone else for that matter seeing as I'd previously lived with Chan and Jihoon who seemed to love spoiling me. I'm not complaining, love everything they do for me I'd just like to pay them back every once in a while to show how much I appreciate what they do for me.

"What's that smell!?" I suddenly heard from across the house, bringing out of my thoughts. I suddenly got a huge whiff of what seemed to be strawberries and coconut only sweeter if that made any sense. I could hear my wolf in my head screaming something at me but I couldn't quite understand what she was saying. Her voice seemed to be muffled. However the stronger the smell got the clearer her voice got. "MATE!" My wolf, Keira screamed in my head causing me to quickly turn around and lock eyes with questionably one of the most handsome men I'd ever seen before in my life.

"Mine!" The unknown man and I claimed at the exact same time causing me to blush uncontrollably. The man standing before me was taller than me by about 4 to 5 inches. He had beautiful blonde hair and his eyes had turned Yellow from meeting his mate for the first time.

I smiled shyly. "Hello, I'm Min-Ji." I stammered softly causing the man to smile so brightly that I could almost mistake him for being an angel instead of a lycanthrope.

"Jeonghan. I'm Yoon Jeonghan. You must be the final piece to the puzzle we have been looking for." He said causing me to tilt my head in confusion. I honestly didn't know what he was talking about but I was sure I'd eventually find out.

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