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Min-Ji's pov

I looked between my brothers and the man that raised me as his own and then made my way over to the woman who raised me. I took her free hand in my own and smiled softly at her letting her know it's okay. "It's okay mom, you can tell us now. Everything will be alright." I said using my best comforting voice. I never liked seeing others upset or sick, it always made my instincts to take care of them kick in and right now those instincts were on overdrive.

Mother coughed a bit before looking up into my eyes. I could tell something was bothering her. I tried my best to comfort her but it didn't seem to be working. "You weren't adopted Min-Ji... you along with your brothers were kidnapped... I've been living with this cancer for as long as I can remember. I was never able to get pregnant..." She stammered causing me to look at Chan and Jihoon before looking back and Seungkwan and Minghao. "Get them out of her guys." I demanded using my most dominant voice as I told Seungkwan and Minghao to take the others out of the room.

Minghao and Seungkwan did as I asked them to and escorted Jihoon and Chan our of the room and closed the door. I took a deep breath before turning back to the woman that raised me. "You can continue it's okay." I said holding her hand in a comforting way.

She took a few shallow breaths before continuing. "You and Jihoon are twins, we raised you to think he was a year older than you so people wouldn't catch on. When your parents conceived Chan and Seungkwan we took Chan as well and raised him to be two years younger than you instead of his actual age. He should transform soon since he's not been taking the suppressants in the past month. I'm sorry Min-Ji I just wanted a family of my own even if that meant stealing it from someone else." She said softly. I could tell she wasn't going to last much longer and I just wanted to comfort her. "It's okay mom, it's okay. You don't have to fight anymore. It's okay just rest." I said sweetly before kissing her forehead softly as she slowly took her last breath. "It's okay now, rest peacefully mom." I mumbled as a stray tear fell from my eye. I slowly got up and wiped my tears before making my way out of the room.

"What happened? Is she okay? What did she say? Min-Ji!? Damn it Min what did she say!?" Jihoon and the others began bombarding me with questions the second they saw me. I shook my head and walked right past them. I walked out of the house. I didn't want to stop until I was away from that place. I kept walking unaware that the others were following me screaming my name. Chan finally caught up to me about a block and a half away from the house and stopped me. He got in front of me with his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "Ji? Noona what happened?" He asked not liking how distressed I was. "She's gone Chan.. she kidnapped us... all three of us... she's gone.." I said unable to hold my tears back any longer. He pulled me into a tight hug. "It's okay noona. It's all going to be okay." He said softly as he looked back at the others behind me hoping he was right and it'd all be okay.

After a few minutes I finally stopped crying and looked up at Chan. "Take ne home, I wanna go home." I stammered softly as I wiped my remaining tears away. I didn't belong in Busan, I never did. I belong with my family and mates in Seoul and that's exactly where I wanted to be.

Chan nodded and lead me over to the others. "Let's go home guys, we're not needed here anymore." He said causing the others to nod before making our way back to the train station, where we made it just in time for the next train to Seoul.

I sighed softly as we sat on the train just ready to go home where I belong. "Someone please tell Jeonghan he better be ready when we get home. I need a massage, my muscles are tense and he's the only one aside from Mingyu who knows how to give a massage and I don't want someone that isn't my mate touching my body." I said softly as I looked out the train window.

Minghao did as I asked as I focused on looking out the window. I got so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn't notice when the train stopped. If it weren't for Minghao grabbing my hand I probably wouldn't have noticed. I shook my head slightly and slowly got up.

We made it back to the house a few minutes later. I made my way inside and went directly to Jeonghan. He made me lay on his bed on my stomach after taking my clothes off aside from my bra and panties of course. I honestly didn't mind either way, he's my mate therefore he'd eventually see me naked anyway. It however didn't help that mating season was coming up and I'd end up in heat within the course of the next week or so.

I mean don't get me wrong, I've always imagined what it'd be like to be with my mate during mating season but right now doesn't exactly seem like the right time to be mating. Even if I were to mate which of my mates should I be with first? It's not like I have any experience in that department. I mean yes I'd been in a relationship before but I managed to remain pure no matter how much he hated it. I wanted to save myself for my mate(s) and that's exactly what I did. The only issue was that now I didn't know which mate to fully give myself to first.

Higher Mate Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon