one - pilot

604 11 17

Third Person POV ~~


"What the fu-"


"I swear to god-"



A hand slammed down on the noisy alarm, silencing it at once. The clock read 4:00 PM, the owner of the hand rolling over to her other side, away from the clock, in hopes of getting a few more moments of sleep before hell, also known as life, made an appearance.

Unfortunately, it arrived all too soon. When the door flew open as if the start of World War III was beginning. 

"SQUIDNYYYYYYY" a voice sang out. The girl 'sleeping', also known as Sydney, immediately knew who it was based on the nick name. Sarah Cameron, princess kook, daughter of Ward Cameron, the beauty standard for OBX, you name it, the girl was well known not just on the island but on the mainland too. Sarah jumped on top of Sydney, waking the already stirring girl who had woken up moments before to her noisy alarm clock, signifying her slumber was over. 

"It is too early for you to be such a loud ass" Sydney complained, slowly opening and rubbing her eyes to see the Cameron girl grinning down at her. "Silly goose, it's four o'clock in the afternoon, and we have important business to attend to!" Sydney looked at the girl quizzically.

"Like what?" She asked, sitting up to wake herself up a bit more. The girl had gone to the beach yesterday, as per usual, hoping she could surf the surge. But alas, to her dismay, she was wiped out a number of times. Too many that she was embarrassed to even admit it to herself. As a result, she was much more tired than usual, but still set an alarm for the afternoon so she wouldn't waste her entire day.

"We need to save a mice genocide, squid!" Sarah answered, already getting off the bed and grabbing the girl an outfit, rummaging through her drawers and closet. Sydney sat there staring at the girl she calls her best friend. 

"A mice...genocide?" She questioned. "Yes! And the longer you sit there like a dead zombie, the more die to seagulls, so get a move on!" Sarah replied back, throwing her the clothes, a light blue crop top and jean shorts.

"Oh, and to top it off of course" she picked up a light blue claw hair clip, "Now, go get changed before I drag you out by your foot."

The Cameron girl gave one last wave to Sydney before shutting the door, allowing her to change and get ready for the day that remained in private. 

Sydney shook her head and smiled before standing up from the comfy bed, arranging it before grabbing the clothes her friend had picked out for her, and walking into her bathroom to get ready.

Sarah and Sydney became friends when Ward Cameron and Sydney's father, Fredrick Hendrix, met while playing golf. Ward invited Sydney's family to dinner and she had quickly hit it off with the Cameron girl within those few hours. Ever since, they've been best friends. The two did everything together, whether it was painting nails, movie nights, late-night adventures, boating, you name it. The two girls were rarely ever seen without one another at their sides. 

Taking one last look in the mirror, Sydney decided to part her hair and only take the front strands to clip at the back of her head, leaving her hair down but not in a way that it would get in her face.

Putting the dirty clothes in the hamper, she made her way down to the kitchen. Seeing Sarah sitting at the island talking to Sydneys mother.

"Sleeping beauty awakes!" Sydneys mom beamed upon seeing her daughter. "And it's only just about 5 pm, what a record!" the woman continued on.

Unexpected - OBX (K.C x FEM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora