seven - dead calm

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Third person POV ~~

"It's not like I rolled around in dirt!" Sydney complained, trying to get away from Kiara, who was currently attempting to clean up the cut on the brunette girls face.

"You quite literally did," Kiara objected, "when the hag pulled out a gun. Now stop complaining!"

She took out gauze from the first aid kit and poured rubbing alcohol on it, making Sydney cringe. She knew how much this was about to hurt and didn't like it.

Trying to scoot back, away from Kiara, she hit a wall. The other girl had strategically sat them on the floor of John B's porch, against the wall, so Sydney couldn't get away.

"Okay, this is only going to hurt a little bit." Kiara said, moving to hold Sydney's face and hovered the gauze over the cut

"Yeah...a little bit." Sydney mocked, Kiara narrowing her eyes in response

"Okay, on the count of three." She said, urging them to count together



She placed the gauze on suddenly, causing Sydney to cry out

"SHHHH" Kiara shushed her, slapping the palm of her hand over Sydney's mouth, who was staring at her with wide eyes

"Why are you screaming like that?!" She asked, removing her hand and starting to clean the wound

"You said three!" Sydney complained, "you and Sarah are so alike..."

Kiara ignored her, continuing to clean the cut as best as she could, Sydney grimacing here and there.

"I still think you need to get stitches for this, Syd."

"I'd like my cut to not be that visible when it scars over, thanks Einstein."

Kiara rolled her eyes at her, having finished cleaning it and was now applying petroleum jelly, to prevent it from drying out and creating a scab.

"Okay, butterfly bandage or normal bandage?" Kiara asked, holding up the two so Sydney could look at them

"What does the butterfly one do?" She asked

"It keeps both sides together and closes up the that's probably the best option." Kiara explained.

She applied the bandages, patting the girls cheek to signify that she was done.

"Now I have a Crain souvenir!" Sydney cheered, sarcastically

"Only you would celebrate that." Kiara joked, packing up all the supplies back into the kit.

The group had retreated back to John B's home after the event at the Crain house, all of them still content about finding the gold. 

The two girls got up and made their way off the porch, going to the dock where the rest of their friends stood.

Sydney stopped, causing Kiara to turn around and stare at her questioningly, "Say um...I think I'm gonna go home." She started, "I kinda haven't been there since yesterday, I'm sure my Dad will go feral about it."

Kiara scoffed, rolling her eyes at the girl, "Your dad isn't even home, Syd. Why don't you stay here tonight?" 

"No, no, either way I think it's best I go home." Sydney objected, "but- I'll definitely see y'all tomorrow."

Starting to pull away, "Night, Kie!" She called out behind her shoulder

"Night, Syd!"

Sydney smiled to herself, she missed times like these. 

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