three - the forbidden zone

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Third Person POV ~~

Sydney sat on the Thornton's boat bored out of her mind.

As much as she loved the luxury black boat, the person driving it made her want to sink it right at that moment.

Topper and Sarah were standing at the steering wheel, arms around each other, giggling and getting handsy with each other every chance they got, completely ignoring the brunette seated behind them. 

'Disgusting...' Sydney thought to herself when she saw Topper slide his hand down to rest on Sarah's ass.

The only reason she was here was because she had to go to a beach clean-up with the two, and then to the golf course with Topper and Rafe. Not being able to take it anymore, she turned to the other side, in a way that she wouldn't have to see them in her line of vision.

Big mistake.

When she turned to look out at the water instead, she spotted the HMS POGUE making their way past the three on the black boat. Putting on her sunglasses and tucking her cap lower to hide some of her face from the four teens that stared at the three.

Topper and Sarah pretended not to see while Sydney watched out of the corner of her eye, hidden by her sunglasses.

However, when she met eye contact with John B, she sent him a small smile, which he returned. This didn't go unnoticed by the curly-haired girl that sat next to where he stood, scoffing as she turned fully to see the three as their boats passed.

"You don't have to act like you don't see us, bitches" The Carrera called out, eyeing all three of them.

A pang of hurt went through Sydney's chest.

She understood the girls hatred towards her, but never thought it was deep enough that she'd call her words like that.

Sarah seemed unfazed by it, pulling her sunglasses off her face to rest on her head, as she looked out to the water.

She pulled away from Topper's grasp to sit next to the brunette girl behind them. Grabbing a beer can out of the ice box that sat next to Sydney.

"So, you guys excited to clean up shit on the beach?" The blonde girl asked the two, opening the can with one hand, somehow not breaking her nails.

"Why are we even doing this" Topper whined

"Cause, Top" Sydney started, also grabbing a beer out of the ice box, "We need service hours in order to graduate, and right now you are 0 out of 100 my guy."

Topper rolled his eyes, turning back to glare at the brunette

"Whatever" He scoffed 


The day was hot, even worse than yesterday.

At least yesterday Sydney could be in the water, not feeling the heat, but today she felt like a rotisserie chicken in an oven getting cooked at 400° Fahrenheit. 

"If I stay out here longer, I might as well get heat stroke." Ross complained from next to her, carrying three trash bags full of junk thrown on the beach.

"At least we're getting our service hours and cleaning the beach for all the animals, Sharma." Sarah teased from next to them, taking her cleaning gloves off of her sweaty hands

Sydney laughed at the both before grabbing her trash bags to throw away.

The three of them joined Topper at the entrance of the beach, getting ready to walk up the hill to meet Kelce and a few other of their friends.

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