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I look around my empty bedroom, most of my belongings packed away in boxes ready to travel thousands of miles across the North Atlantic Ocean. I ask myself again, why do we have to move?

With everything packed up its surreal, the paintings taken off the walls, everything in the drawers and cupboards put away. Its like this is not my home anymore. I am going to go to this country that I have never seen before, a new school where I don't know anybody, and worst of all I'm going to be leaving forever.

I know why we had to move. My dad's amazing job opportunity. The job opportunity that means we have to travel all the way to the United States of America, all the way to Nevada, a place that I barely know anything about.

My mum said it would be a wonderful to learn about a new place, I don't agree.

I will sorely miss my few friends I had managed to make. I have so many memories connected to this place, some good, some bad. I wonder if anyone apart from my friends will notice that I'm gone.

"Esme!" I hear my mum shout from the hallway, "we're going soon, are you ready?"

I don't reply and just turn to stare out of my window.

If only I knew what was going to happen to me after only a few months of being there.

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