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I gather a few things and pulled them into a bag. I'm going to need this if I wanted to get some answers. I think quickly rush back down stairs to Micheal. He sigh as he seen me walk." Toke you long enough. Let's go." He turn away from me. I smile as I quickly walk up behind him a hit the power off button." You little..." Before he could continue he power down. I smile as I quickly roll him to the senter of the room. Ok now that's he's off I can look into his data files.

But I can't use my laptop. I huff as I quickly walk down to the basement. A lot of stuff got left around here. Maybe I can find something. I quickly started to look around. I found a handful of blue prints for older animatronics. I take a deep breath as I see the one for Baby. It was a death trap for who ever toke the ice cream from her. Shit! And it looks as if it was planning out for Charlotte but Elizabeth got killing instead. Ya William was completely messed up. My eyes widen as I look over at the old computer.

Jack pot. I quickly started to unplug it and bring it up stairs. I also found a few floppy disk that I can take a look at later. After I draged it upstairs I quickly plugged it in and sat it down on the table next to Micheal. Animatronic coding holds a lot of secrets. Let's see if I can figure them out. I quickly copyed over Micheal animatronic Infront to a empty floppy disk from behind his head. I think quickly pull it up on the laptop.

Ya the coding is all cruppted. But it reminded me of what my laptop did. When it went all purple. I sigh as I quickly walk to the back of Micheal. He has a back panel but also a front one. So if I need to look even deeper I can check out the front. But I should have access to everything from the back. I quickly open up his back side to see nothing. What?! That's not possible. Where is all his wiring and everything. I quickly start to feel around until I fill the metal box of his chest.

Ok maybe all the stuff I need isn't in his back flap. I huff as I quickly walk over to the front. As I do the completer flickers. I sigh as I quickly walk over and look down." TUᴙɘᴎ mɘ dAↄk oᴎ ᴎoɘ!"(turn me back now!) Ok guess I was right. He can still stay in contact with me as long as he's backed up to a computer." Sorry Michael you gave me no choice! I am far to deep into this now and I need answers. So if you don't mind me I'm going to check your front chest plate for some information." I smile as I quickly stood up.

I look down to see it glitch again. "iTꙅ ᴎoY THAT YoU ꙅHoUlbᴎT look. dUT iT iꙅ imqoɘᴙᴎT THAT i gɘT dAↄk To wHɘᴙɘ i ᴎɘɘb To dɘ!"( It's not that you shouldn't look. But it's important that I get back to where I need to be) I huff as I walk to the front of him." I'll take you back after I take a look! For the past few weeks it has been on my mind what this all could be about and how it happened. You'll just have to wait 1 hour or so. I'll be quick!" I quickly spoke out as I open his chest piece. And inside was a small cooler and some stuff. I guess all the machine is built into the suit.

I would have to remove the head to get anything else from this all. I huff as I look around. Big enough for a cake. And a small child. Ok that's creepy. I take a deep breath as I start to remove the unnecessary things from his chest. A blue prints for his suit. Guess this is so the machinists can work on them without a problem. A few stuff toys of Freddy. A nother blue print. This one looks a lot like human child.

That's really creepy." Um Michael a animatronic that looks 100% like a human child. What is this about?" I quickly walk back over to the laptop."wɘll i ↄAᴎ ɘxqlAiᴎ THAT. AꟻTɘᴙ mY dᴙoTHɘᴙ HAb biɘb Aᴎb i ꟻoUlb oUT ꙅdoUT immoᴙTAlY i ꙅTAᴙTɘb To mAkɘ iT ꙅo Hɘ ↄoUlb ↄomɘ dAↄk. i ᴎɘvɘᴙ bib ꟻiᴎbH iT mYꙅɘlꟻ. dUT iTꙅ iᴎTɘᴙꙅTiᴎg THAT THɘ dlUɘ qᴙTiᴎTꙅ Aᴙɘ iᴎ Tgɘᴙɘ."( Well I can explain that. After I found out about immortal I started to make it so he could come back. I never did finish it myself. But it's interesting that the blue prints are in there.) I sigh as I quickly walk back over to the suite." Ok so I'll put this back in. But I'm keeping the stuff toys. " I huff out.

I was about to pull something else out but stop after hearing the glitching sounds again. I sigh as I quickly walk over."ᴎo qUT THᴙm dꙅↄk. YoU ↄꙅᴎ kɘɘq oᴎɘ dUT THᴙ oTgɘᴙꙅ ꙅTAY!"( No put them back. You can keep one but the others stay.) I chuckled as I responded." Fine fine. I'm almost done anyway. You only have one more thing to look at." I huff out. I quickly walk back over to Freddy before pulling out yet again a nother two blue prints. One was a blue print of a old pizza rea. Fazbear pizza place. I remember that. It under the pizza Plex if I remember correctly. I take a deep breath as I look at the other blue print.

Most of it was just blabber until I found the coding and the picture. It's a disk of some kind. I look down at the computer and the piles of floppy disk. This may take me a hot second.

Word count 1020

Boy Oh Boy Did I Mess Up(Michael Afton X Male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora