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☦︎︎Jᴜɴᴇ 13ᴛʜ

We made it to the restaurant and he got us a private section, I'm guessing because what we're talking about is private but also we don't need to be on the Shade Room somewhere.

"alright what drinks can i get you guys started with" he ordered a bottle of red wine. They brought the bottle out in a bucket of ice and two glasses and poured our first glasses.

"ok where you wanna start?" he asked.

"i think we should talk when we get our food so our conversation doesn't get interrupted"

"ok" the waiter came back to take our orders. While waiting for our food we didn't really talk about much but still it was sum to talk about. Once we got our food that's when we started talking.

"well first i wanna say as a friend you broke my heart, and i know we weren't together but it still hurt and the way you went about it hurt me more because it was unnecessary"

"i know, and i'm sorry, i really am"

"so now let's debrief what happened" I said tryna get rid of the tension.

"i wanna see it from your point of view but i know you want mine" he said.

"yea, i really do but i can go first"

"go ahead"

"so duce called me and told me to come to the beach because all the seniors were going so i called you so we could go together and you didn't answer so i was gon a drop by. when i did i came in like i always did and there yall were just fuckin. now, we weren't together but i thou- i don't know. but you took my virginity so i just thought that you weren't going to sleep with anyone else because you told me it was just me that you were gonna have sex wit" he nodded his head.

"so when i saw that i walked out and just went to the beach. you came later on with her and didn't talk to me because we both knew i was gonna go off. so when it got late and dark and you brought me to the side i already had built up anger. so we went back and forth and when you yelled in my face 'you ain't my bitch so what the fuck is you mad about' that did it for me and that's when i smacked you and left. after that that's when and why i left for school early"

"i am sorry i put you though that"

"so why'd you do it"

"that day before you had told me you was goin to north carolina for school and i was happy for you, because you was moving on wit life and growing up and that hurt me. i was hurt and mad, i was mad at you. i know that sound stupid but i was and i just decided that to get back at you i was gon mess wit somebody else. i wasn't expecting you to find out and that's terrible cause that does mean i wan gon tell you if you didn't and i'll be honest about dat. so while i was doing it i thought i was gonna feel better but i didn't and when you had caught us i stopped right afta you left. i felt like shit, i really did. so gettin to that argument, i was still mad at you for you about to leave so i was saying stuff and when i said that i wanted to hurt you as much as you leaving hurt me"

"why didn't you just talk to me, we grew up with each other and our friendship was so strong. we never lied to each other, we were always honest with each other, came to each other when the slightest things were wrong"

"i know, i just ain't wanna hold you back from nun cause we would do anything for each other and i didn't want you to not go. like i said i was happy fa you even tho i was upset i was happy"

"i felt like i lost my whole world that day shawn"

"and i felt like i was gonna loose mine as soon as you left, you meant everything to me b and i know when people get in new places they forget about what they got at home and i was scared. ian wanna loose my bestfriend but i ended up doin that anyway"

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