Gentle Hands on me

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It was the next day at the Ice Rink.Anne walked into the Rink.

Sasha was sitting on the bleachers scrolling on her phone when Anne dropped onto the seat next to her.

"Hey Sasha!" Anne greeted.

"I hoped you wouldn't show up" Sasha replied

"Why wouldn't I? I'm not scared of you "ripping my ass open" Sasha" Anne replied

Sasha smirked at that.

"Here's the food" Anne said handing out the food to Sasha who put it in her bag.

"I'm gonna make you hurt Boonchuy" Sasha said going on the Ice.

Anne blushed a bit at that knowing what Sasha meant but she just couldn't help thinking a bit dirty.

She quickly put on her skates and made her way onto the Ice.

2 Hours later Anne and Sasha have already achieved some improvement in Annes skating.

Anne has been trying a figure for 10 Minutes but she couldn't get it right and fell down everytime.

When Anne fell for what probably has been the 30th time she got frustrated.

"WHY CAN'T I GET IT RIGHT!?" Anne said angrily while standing up.

"Chill out Boonchuy" Sasha said as she grabbed Annes hip with her left hand and Annes hand with her right hand,guiding her into the figure.

Anne blushed.

Annes POV:"Damn....her hands are soft and gentle"

Sasha let go and Anne could keep the position now.

"uhhhhh...Thanks Sasha!" Anne said with a sheepish blush still across her face.

"Next Time just ask me dumbass" Sasha said.

Anne has been noticing that her strong use of language has died down a bit.

they both continued to train for another hour until they both were really exhausted.

They packed their stuff and parted ways.


Sasha turned the keys in the front doors lock rushing in and getting her shoes off.

She gently put down her backpack and grabbed the Thai food.

She put it on a plate heating it up in the Microwave.

When the Food was ready she put the palte on the dining table and grabbed a Fork.

She sat down tryning the food.

Sashas POV"It's....really good"

She put a few more bites in her mouth until her mouth was full.

She started sobbing.

The sobs halled through the empty house until sasha had finished eating.


Anne was laying in bed thinking about the day

Annes POV:"Thanks to Sasha I didn't get all angry and quit today" Anne smiled.

Annes POV"her hands were pretty soft..." Anne thought placing her hand on her hip where Sashas has been just a few hours ago.

Anne smiled without noticing the small blush that had formed on her cheeks.

Annes POV:"Tomorrow's gonna be awesome" She thought as she slept in.

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