Someone you once knew

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It was another day at the Ice Rink.Anne and Sasha have been training for 2 weeks already and Anne was getting used to Sasha "ripping her ass open" by training for hours.

They both were finished for the day and Anne packed up her stuff.She looked over to Sasha who was on her phone.

"Hey Sasha aren't you gonna go home?" Anne asked

Sasha looked up "No I don't have an umbrella.I'll go when the heavy rain has stopped."

Anne smiled.It occured more often now that Sasha wasn't cursing her out in her every sentence.

"I'll walk you home" Anne said pulling out her umbrella.

"Aww does Boonchuy care for me?~" Sasha asked with a flirty voice

Anne rolled her eyes knowing it's Sashas way of teasing her but yet she blushes and wonders if she maybe isn't teasing her.

Sasha put her skates in her bag and put her shoes and coat on.She followed Anne out the Rink while Anne signed Adam goodbye.

Anne opened the umbrella and let Sasha hold it.

"Here I have no idea where you live so you can hold it and guide me" Anne said.

"Alright Boonchuy hope you can keep up with me" Sasha said with a smirk


They walked through a park which Sasha is leading them through.

Anne took the chance to look at Sasha a little closer.

Her clear skin,her beautiful scar on her right cheek and that cute mole on her other cheek.

Her gaze went up to adore Sasha Cerulean eyes and her beautiful blonde hair.

Then she noticed that she was staring a bit too much.She shook her head to snap out of it.

Annes POV:"I gotta stop admiring her so much just cause she's pretty and talented.Keep cool Anne!"

Suddenly Sasha stopped.Anne walked a few more steps before realizing she was getting wet. (and no not that kinda wet they're 13) 

Anne went back next to Sasha under the umbrella.

"What's wrong Sasha?" Anne asked concerned.

Sasha had a look of fear and dread in her eyes.Anne has never seen her look that miserable before.She looked like she was about to cry and throw up looking at how pale she got in these few seconds.

Anne got closer and pulled gently on Sashas sleeve to get her attention.

"Sasha?" Anne asked concerned

"huh?" Sasha looked at her with wet eyes.She was about to cry.

"Are you alright?" Anne asked grabbing Sashas free hand and rubbing circles on it with her thumb.

"Mhm.Just thought I've seen someone I knew" Sasha replied

Anne still looked at her worried.Sasha pulled her hand out of Annes.

"C'mon let's get going" Sasha said.

Anne nodded.

Annes POV:"I shouldn't ask her about it she'll only be more upset...she looked really out of it I wonder who she thought she had seen..."

They walked out of the park and across the road where Sasha walked through a rusty gate to a house.

The House looked pretty normal cream tone painted,red tiles on the roof and 2 storys.

"You got a really nice house" Anne said to lighten the mood.

"Thanks it's my Dads wifes house" Sasha replied.

"Oh so your..." 

"Yep my parents divorced and I live with my dad" Sasha replied

"I'm sorry" Anne said

"It's alright.I don't need your pity though,I'm perfectly fine" Sasha said with a firm voice as she opened the front door.

"Thanks for bringing me home and the food" Sasha said with a small smile.

"You're welcome"

"Bye I'll see you tomorrow" Sasha said

"Bye see you tomorrow" Anne said as turning around and walking out the gate.


Anne sat at her desk in her room looking through flash cards for her Chemistry Test.

Annes POV:"I wonder who Sasha thought she saw and why she would be so agitated if that was the person she thought that was...hmm well it's not my buisness though so I shouldn't interfiere in her business"

Anne switched of the lights and layed in bed.

She slept in still curious about that person that Sasha knew.

Hearts on Ice (Sashanne)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon