3rd times the charm

183 11 13

This day felt weird to Sasha.Anne wasn't there to go train with her because she had Tennis Practice.Sasha decided to take a day off of training It's been a while since she had one of those days.

She lungers around the House for a while until she begins to pace around the House.

Sashas POV:"It would be our 3rd why am I so nervous? Just hit send Waybright! be strong!"

Sasha hit the send button,a moment after she ran upstairs to get ready.

When she finished she took a look at her phone to see a thumbs up emoji.

She then impatiently sat down on the Couch waiting.

After a few minutes the Doorbell rang and Sasha went to open the door.

Sashas POV:"ugh why am I so nervous I've already been on Dates with Anne this is just the third of many.Okay breathe"

Sasha took a deep breath and opened the door to be met by Anne.

Sasha couldn't hold herself back and hugged Anne.

"Nice to see you too Sashy" Anne said as she hugged Sasha back being just as excited as her.

Sasha slowly let go.

"So why did you wanna meet up?" Anne asked.

"Well I wanted to do something for you for,you know always taking care of me and bearing with Ruby"

"You really don't need to do anything for me Sash"

"Yes I do and I will.I'll take you out to wherever you wanna go and I'll pay for everything"

"Sash I can't let you do that"

Sasha looked at her with a serious face.Anne noticed that it had no use to fight against a determined Sasha.

"Alright alright let's go out"

Sasha smiled and closed the front door behind her "So where are we heading?"

Anne thought about it for a moment "There'honestly only one place I wanna go to"

"And where would that be?"

Anne took her hand and pulled her with her "We're going to my favourite place in the whole entire world"

Anne pulled her into a bus and they sat down.

A couple minutes later the bus arrived.

They stepped out of the vehicle and Anne pointed at a buliding "Here we are"

Sasha read the sign on the building "Aquarium"

Sasha thought that it's cute that this is Annes favourite place.

Anne pulled Sasha inside and Sasha paid for the entrance.

"So where do you wanna go to first?" Sasha asked even though she already knew where Anne wanted to go to.

"Frogs" Anne said excitedly and pulled Sasha with her.

When they arrived Anne stood infront of a big terrarium and started ranting to Sasha about frogs.

Sasha tried hard to concentrate on what Anne was saying,but she just couldn't when Anne just looked so beautiful when she does anything.

Anne pulled her out of her thought by showing her a toad.

Anne kept on talking about frogs to Sasha for a while until they were don looking at all the frogs.

"Looks like there's no more.What do you wanna do now baby?" Sasha asked trying to hide her obvious gay panic.

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