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TW: Self Harm

The Day of the half-finale arrived.Everyone of Coach Rodnicks Ice skating team was nervous.

They all arrived at the Ice Rink.They went inside and changed into their costumes,when they went out to warm up it was clearly noticable that they had more serious competition now.

The day of the half-finale started with the solos.A couple girls managed to get through without mistakes and some did not.

After Lunchtime it was time for the couple skaters.

Sasha and Anne anxiously waited for their turn.They saw a boy and a girl on the Ice doing a great performance together.

When the boy and the girl finished they both went out onto the ice.They got in their start position.Annes hands were shaking while Sasha took a deep breath and suddenly was in the zone.She looked at Anne and took her hands.Anne gave her a soft smile.

They started to perform.They had quite a difficult performance that Coach Rodnick laid out for them,but they managed to get through it.

When they finished they went off the Ice smiling that they made it.

A while later when the Couple performances have finished,Anne and Sasha sat with their team on benches near the blackboard to see who made it through.They all were either sleeping,eating or scrolling on their phones.

Finally a judge from the jury came and hung up the paper that determines if they'll be able to continue the tournament.

Everyone of the many teams that waited rushed over.Coach Rodnick pushed his way through and smiled as he saw the paper.He pushed out of the crowd over to the team and announced.

"You guys! We made it through the half-Finale! Great job! I'm so proud of all of you! that defiently deserves some treats!" He said excitedly.

He grabbed his sports bag and pulled out some sweets and gave them out

They were all super happy.

Later they were all back at the hotel.

Coach Rodnick allowed all of them to go explore the city in groups.

Anne and Sasha went together to the mall near the hotel.

Anne wanted new clothes and Sasha agreed to come.She couldn't ever say no to Anne.

They went into a store in the mall and Anne picked out some skirts and tops.

Everytime she went out of the changing room to show Sasha,she couldn't help but become more and more of a gay mess everytime she saw her beautiful Girlfriend in any type of clothing.

Anne decides on 2 skirts and a top.She puts the rest back and pays at the register.

They both walk out of the store.They continue walking a bit through the mall Sasha spots a Lego store.She stops Anne and tells her to wiat there which she does.Sasha walks inside the Lego store and shortly after returns with flower boquet sets.She hands on to Anne and tells her they can build them together sometime.Anne responds with a kiss on her cheek and a smile.

They get back to the hotel and put their stuff away.Sasha goes into the bathroom.

Anne lays on her bed and watches funny cat videos on her phone.Sasha takes quite a while so Anne goes to check up on her.She knocks on the bathroom door and enters.

Sasha'standing in front of the mirror in a T-shirt and panties.Anne blushes a bit.

"Is there something wrong?" She asks the blonde

Sasha looks at her a little ashamed "well I wanted to shower and...." She rubs her upper arms where she has her fresh scars.

Anne ralizes what she means and smiles.She steps closer.

"Well I could shower with you and keep your thoughts elsewhere" She suggests

Sashas face flushes red.

Anne chuckles "Don't worry,I won't do anything.We could both just close our eyes and I'll just be there with you"

Sasha considers it and nods.

Anne smiles and goes to grab her own pyjamas and fresh underwear.

She closes the bathroom door.Sasha takes her shirt off.

Anne blushes she hasn't ever seen Sasha just like that in her underwear.

She caresses her cheek and gently pulls off the old band aids and the bandage.Sasha keeps her eyes closed not wanting to see her scars.

"Okay all done" Anne says

Sasha nods "Okay thanks"

She undresses while Anne looks away.She steps into the shower and closes her eyes.Anne undresses and steps in her eyes closed as well.She turns so they stand back to back.

"You can open your eyes now Sash"

Sasha opens her eyes and begins showering.

Her blush is all over her face and her heart is beating fast knowing Anne is standing behind her naked.

While she showers Anne talks a bit with her to keep her occupied.

She then turns around and Sashas shocked and her blush gets more intense.

She takes some body wash "I'll wash your arms for you Sash" she has her eyes closed.

"Okay" She answers as Anne begins washing her arms gently

When Anne finishes Sasha is all done.Anne begins to wash herself and Sasha waits patiently

When Anne finishes they both step out of the shower and cover themselves with towels.Then they both open their eyes and smile,the blush lingering on their cheeks.

They dry themselves off and get into some fresh underwear.They both slightly turn around to catch a glimpse of each other,their eyes meet and they both giggle.They turn each others body to another and just stand there looking at each other in their underwear utterly in bliss of each others beauty.

They both smile and kiss deeply.

They both make out for a bit and then they get to getting ready.

They finish getting ready.

Sasha in her basketball shorts and an oversized shirt and Anne in blue cat Pyjamas.SAsha looks at her and smiles,that is so cute and so Anne.

They turn off the bathroom light and Anne throws herself onto her bed,exhausted.

Sasha lays down next to her.Anne smiles.

"Ready for bed?"

Sasha nods and yawns.Anne smiles and turns off the lights.She covers them under the blanket and they fall asleep in each others arms.

(Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while,I was so incredibly unmotivated.For anyone who's gonna attack me for portraiting NSFW with minors,I did not write that scene in a "lustful" way they are simply just in love and a bit curious.This doesn't have anything to do with sexualizing minors)

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