Take it easy

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Warning: spicy very gay moment included (For yalls dirty mind.No they're not having sex)

2 Days have passed and Anne has gotten better.Well she hasn't got afever anymore at least.

Sasha was really happy Anne was back.She was getting nervous about the tournament though which is tomorrow.

"Ready to train Boonchuy?"

"Sure just give me a minute" Anne says as she stretches throughly

Sasha waits patiently.She looks like a golden retriever waiting to go for a walk.

They then started training.Sasha wasn't holding her form as well as usual.

Anne took notice.

They trained for a while and then decided to be done for the day.

"So...why so anxious?" Anne asks Sasha

Sasha looks at her "oh...you noticed...well tomorrows the tournament'"

Anne smiles and caresses Sashas cheek "You know what happened with Marcy will not happen again.I'll make sure of it"

Sasha leans into the touch "Thanks Anne,but actually i'm more worried about my performance"

Anne kissed her cheek "You're gonna do great darling.Believe in yourself and i'll be right by your side"

Sasha chuckles "Would be bad if you didn't cause we're couple skating"

Anne gives her a smile "you goof"

"You mean your goof" Sasha corrects slyly

Anne chuckles "Yes my goof of course"

They packed their stuff and went outside,Anne signing Adam goodbye.

"so..." Anne said to get Sashas attention

Sasha looks at her.

"Would you like to go somewhere where you like to relax perhaps your favourite spot to let out some of that stress" Anne suggests

Sasha gives her a smile "Sure let's go"

Sasha took Anne by the hand and led her to the place.

They arrived at a gym.Anne quietly giggles.This is so Sasha.

Sasha walks in,Anne behind her.

"Yo Matt 's the room open?" She asks an older guy

He nods and Sasha leads Anne into a room.

The floor was covered with mats and there was boxing equipment

"I didn't know you box" Anne said

Sasha grins "There's lots of things you still don't know baby" she winks

Anne goes a bit red.

Sasha pulls the sleeves of her shirt up,revealing her muscles.

Anne was looking at them dazed.

Annes POV:"She has really nice muscles"

Sasha grabbed some bandages and wrapped her hands in them to avoid damage on the hands.

Anne sat on the floor watching Sasha box and admiring her skills and beauty.

Half an hour later Sasha is exhausted.

"Ready to go home?" Anne asks

Sasha nods panting.

She unwraps her hands and they walk to Sashas.

They arrive at Sashas house and walk inside taking their shoes off

"Okay go hit the showers you sweaty jock you stink" Anne says grinning

"I thought you liked Jock me.Don't think I didn't notice how you stared"

Anne blushed and Sasha chuckles and then went upstairs to shower.

When she returns downstairs Anne sits on the couch in Sashas clothes cuddled under a blanket ready with popcorn.

"Hey Sash I thought we could make this like a movie night and I could stay over"

Sasha blushes "What about the tournament tomorrow? don't you have most of your stuff at home?"

Anne nods "My Parents are gonna pick me up after breakfast so I'll still have time to prepare"

Sasha was pleased with that answer as she sat down cuddling Anne "So what're we gonna watch?"

"I thought something Gibli studios"

They picked a movie and enjoyed it with some popcorn.

When the movie finished they got ready for bed.

They were ready for bed and sat on Sashas bed.

Sasha was scrolling through her phone.

Anne saw a loose strand in her face and tucked it behind her ear.Sasha noticed her hand on her hair and blushed.

Anne climed on Sashas lap and kissed her.Sasha put the phone away and put her full attention to Anne.

They slowly started to make out.

It got really passionate.Sasha rubbing her hands along Annes lower back under her shirt,and Anne cupping Sashas face with her palms.

Then Anne pulled away releasing a thin streak of drool from their mouths.

"I really like this Sash.Is it okay if we go a tiny bit further?"

Sasha nods.

Anne takes her shirt off and so does Sasha.

they slowly kiss each others necks.

When they stop they both immediatley get flustered.

"Sh-Shall we end this here?" Sasha asks

Anne nods kissing her cheek.

Sasha turns the light off and they cuddle together not bothering to put on their shirts.

They sleep in happily and lesss anxious ready for the Tournament.

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