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"What the fuck?!" Minji yelled out, startling the random girl on her bed.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Minji yelled out again, soon remembering her mother might hear her.

She quickly slammed the door shut and slowly approached the girl with long ginger hair.

"Where's the cat?" Minji asked, a little more quietly and nicely.

The girl opened her mouth to speak but soon looked down at her body, which was covered by the baby blue blanket which was previously laying on the end of Minji's bed.

"Can you speak?" Minji asked, walking closer to the girl and soon realising that the girl's shoulder was naked.

"Oh, shit." Minji quickly ran over to her large closet, taking out an oversized t-shirt and some shorts, then remembering that she needed underwear. She checked her drawer and took out black underwear for the ginger girl to wear.

"Here." Minji threw the clothes at the ginger girl and looked away, waiting for the girl to finish dressing up.

"Can you tell me your name?" Minji asked, still looking away, not sure if the girl is done or not.

"Haerin..." The girl quietly said and Minji nodded before asking, "Can I turn around now?"


Minji turned around and sighed before asking more questions.

"Where's the cat? The ginger cat which was sitting on my bed before I had my dinner?" Minji asked, crossing her arms as she scanned Haerin's face, noticing her pretty, feline eyes.

"Well... That cat... Is me." Haerin awkwardly answered, her hands behind her back as she refused to look up at Minji.

"What do you mean? That's impossible. You can't just shape-shift out of nowhere." Minji's eyebrows furrowed.

"I know it sounds... Strange. But it's true." Haerin answered, a little bit comfortable with speaking now.

"And how would I know that? For all I know, you could just be some strange, random girl who broke into my house and stole my cat. Well, not my cat but whatever." Minji uncrossed her arms and let them drop to her sides.

"It's true! I promise." Haerin also let her arms go to her sides.

"So, you're saying, you shape-shifted into a human? How?" Minji wouldn't stop asking questions.

"I was a lab experiment. Scientists injected many chemicals into my body and tried turning me into a cat. But, I never wanted to be an experiment... So, I ran away before they could do more. Now, I can shape-shift into a cat or a human. But I don't know how to control it..."

Minji's brain almost exploded with all the information she just received from the girl -or cat.

"What do you mean by 'you can't control it'?" Minji asked, once again.

"I can't choose when I shape-shift. It happens randomly." Haerin said and Minji nodded again.

"Minji! Your grandparents wanted to know how you are!" The girls heard Minji's mother yell and soon heard someone climbing the stairs.

"Quick! Hide!" Minji quickly pushed Haerin into the closet and closed it before opening the door, only to see her mother reaching out. "Oh! Here! Talk to your grandparents!" Minji's mother gave Minji the phone and walked away.

Minji sighed before opening her mouth to speak, "Hi! I'm doing fine. How about you two?" Minji asked, wearing a fake smile even though they can't see her.

After the call ended, Minji opened the closet and pulled Haerin out.

"Sorry... I can't let my mom see you." Minji awkwardly smiled and Haerin simply nodded. "It's fine..."

"Are you crying?" Minji asked as she noticed the tears rolling down Haerin's cheeks. "What's wrong?" Minji placed her hands on Haerin's arms, pulling the girl closer to herself.

"I just want to see my family..." Haerin turned her head to the side as she started sobbing and wiping her tears. "It's going to be okay, Haerin. I'll help you find them." Minji said, grabbing the shorter girl's face and turned it to face her own.

Minji's smile seemed to help Haerin a bit as she stopped sobbing, but the tears were still flowing out of her cat-like eyes, rapidly.

"Let's go sit down on my bed, Haerin." Minji pulled the girl to her bed and sat down after she did.

"I'll let you stay here till you find your family. All right?" Haerin nodded with a small smile on her face.

Soon, Haerin felt two arms wrap around her body, slightly startling her. But eventually, she leaned onto the taller girl and secretly smiled as she enjoyed the warm and gentle embrace.

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