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Things with Aimee and Max were more tense then ever. Max had filed for custody of Esmè.

Aimee knew that she wasn't going to give that to him not without a fight. She had hired a lawyer. And she was prepared to okay dirty.

Aimee knew all that Max had done. She knew that she wasn't going to let him get away with everything. She knew what he had done.

He had barely been there for Esmè. How he had been in and out of her life. How he had another child and kept it from her. And how tried to force their daughter to keep it from her.

Aimee knew that Max Tyler was a deadbeat father. That's just how it was.

Aimee knew that she wasn't going to let him get a hold of Esmè. And she wasn't going to give up her child.

Aimee sat in the house with Esmè. She smiled as she looked to her as she sat on her tablet as she ate Nutella on toast. She had chocolate all over her face.

Aimee knew just how much she would do for her little girl. She knew how Max hardly bothered with Esmè. How he was hardly a part of her life.

Aimee knew that was the thing that annoyed her the most. "Come on baby. We need to drop you with auntie Lexie and Elsie. I have a meeting."

"Elsie my little sissy," Esmè said.

Aimee looked to her and smiled. "I know baby."


Aimee got to Lexie and Tom's. She smiled as she watched Esmè as she wandered off and played with Elsie.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked.

Aimee sighed. "No not really I never thought I'd have to go court and fight for my right to be a mum. I'm her mother. And Max taking away won't help her. It will confuse her. He's never been there for her. So I don't understand why he is suddenly dad of the year. Especially with all that he has done."

Lexie smiled. "He's a pig. He has threatened to take Elise too. But my mum is a lawyer. And it's dangerous if he does that. He knows he will lose. Maybe I can talk to her over representing you?" She asked.

"I have a lawyer. But it couldn't hurt to meet her. I mean, she already knows what Max is like," Aimee said.

Lexie smiled. "I know that you're worried about court. But it will be okay," she said as Aimee looked to her and smiled.


Aimee stood in the car park. She sighed as she saw Max. She looked to him and glared as she walked inside of the courthouse.

She knew that this was only the start of the hearing. She knew what Max was like with dirty tricks.

Aimee knew how none of it would be easy. But she knew that there was no way in hell that she was going to lose her little girl.

But Aimee had no idea over just how toxic things would become between her and Max Tyler.

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