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Aimee groaned as she saw Esmè standing on the windowsill in just her pull-up. She walked over to her. "You have to get down missy. The neighbours don't wanna see your bum," she said.

Esmè giggled. Aimee was running late for work and she had no idea what she was doing with Esmè yet as the daycare she went to had a leak and was closed. She knew Esmè's father was at work himself so he couldn't take her for the day.

Aimee grabbed her phone and text Max, the father of her daughter;

The daycare is closed; what the hell do I do? Text me back ASAP - Aimee xx

Once she sent the text, she grabbed Esmè from off the windowsill. She took her upstairs to get her dressed. "No!"

"Baby gotta get dressed now."

"No," Esmè said.

Aimee looked at her and sighed. "Come on. You can come to work with me and daddy," she said.

Esmè turned and looked at her with an eyebrow raised. Aimee knew she was bribing her daughter. But she was running out of options and Max wasn't answering her phone. "Otay!"


Aimee got to work and walked into the office with Esmè in her arms. Esmè's eyes lit up when she saw Max. "Dada!" She squealed as she ran over.

Max picked her up and frowned. He looked at Aimee. "What is she doing here?" He asked.

Aimee rolled her eyes and looked at Esmè. "Well if you'd bother to look at your phone you'd see. The daycare is closed. So who was she?" She asked as she saw the love bite on his neck.

Max smirked and put Esmè down. He looked at Aimee. "Why? Are you jealous? You know you're my favourite," he said.

Aimee again rolled her eyes. She was annoyed. "I'm not a toy you can pick up when you're bored or lonely or even horny. I'm the mother of your child. You can look after Esmè while I'm in classes," she said as she walked out.

Max looked at Esmè. "I think your mummy is mad."

"Mummy mad."


Aimee stood in the staff room with her coffee. Chris walked in and smiled as he looked at her. "Are you okay? I heard you and Max had another fight," he said.

Aimee smiled slightly. Aimee knew Chris was a good guy and he had always been there for her. "He doesn't respect me. I'm the mother of his daughter and he doesn't respect me at all."

Chris sighed. "I had noticed. I'm sorry. You need someone to treat you better and that's not him. You need to prove it to him," he said.

Aimee nodded and smiled slightly. Aimee knew she hated how Max made her feel after they had sex. As if she was cheap. That he had picked her up in a club. She knew she deserved so much better than that.

"You're right."

Chris smiled and placed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Maybe we can go for a drink sometime. When Max has the little one?" He asked.

Aimee grinned and nodded. "I'd love that. Sure," she said. But would moving on with Max's best friend be the answer? Or would it make things impossible between them?

Sleeping With Baby Daddy •Waterloo Road•Where stories live. Discover now