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Aimee groaned to herself as she sat in her flat. There was a knock at the door. She stood up and answered the door. She rolled her eyes as she saw Max. "What do you want?" Aimee asked.

"I want to see my daughter," Max told her.

Aimee rolled her eyes. She looked at him. "It's nearly nine pm Max. She's asleep. And I'm not having you wake her up. How could you?" Aimee asked.

Max frowned and looked at her. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean getting Esmè to lie about her sister. She's two and she was confused. You shouldn't have done that," Aimee told him.

Max nodded as he looked to her. "I know. I know it's hard. But why don't I come in and make it up to you?" Max said.

Aimee looked to him and sighed. She knew how Max always won her round when it came to sex. And Aimee knew that she couldn't.

She couldn't give into him and what he wanted. She shook her head. "I don't think so. I'm waiting for my pizza and binge watching Greys Anatomy. So have I better plans. Good night," Aimee said as she closed the door in his face.

Feeling proud she had said no.


Aimee got to work the next day. She smiled as she saw Lexie. Lexie smiled. "Hey. Are you okay?" She asked as she walked over to where Aimee was.

Aimee looked to her and smiled. "I'm okay. Max and I had a fight. He came over and he tried to distract me with sex. I said no. He's now ignoring me because I asked him to have Esmè this weekend. It's actually laughable that he's punishing me for not having sex with him. Why should I when I learnt about his secret? Like with you and Elsie. I know it's not your fault. And I don't blame you. But he's just a jerk," Aimee said.

Lexie smiled. "He is. But like it or not, we have kids with him. And for them, we have to make it work. And I don't want Elsie to miss out. And missing out on her relationship with Esmè. Especially as she adores her. So I think that no matter what happens with Max, we make a pact. That we always keep the girls in each other's lives. They are sister's after all," Lexie said.

Aimee grinned and nodded. "Yeah... let's do that," she told her as she looked to her and smiled. Knowing they had to do their best for their girls.


Aimee sat in the flat with Esmè. She looked to her and smiled. She knew it was hard with Max. But she knew that she had to focus on Esmè and forget Max.

Aimee knew deep down she didn't trust Max. She knew how she was trying to make it work. But she knew it wasn't easy.

Aimee had no idea that as she sat with Esmè in the flat how Max was planning on taking her away from her. And Aimee knew she wasn't going to give up without a fight.

Sleeping With Baby Daddy •Waterloo Road•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon