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Aimee got to work and frowned as she saw Chris and Max talking secretive. Aimee and Max hadn't slept together for weeks. She knew he was sleeping with someone else. That he was keeping secrets from her. It was annoying her to say the least.

Aimee walked into the staffroom as she started to make a coffee. She felt as if Max was letting her and Esmè down. He hadn't seen Esmè in a few weeks and she was getting a lot more annoyed.

Aimee smiled as Chris walked over to her. "What's going on with him? He's not even seeing our daughter anymore and she's broken. She thinks her daddy doesn't love her."

Chris looked at her and sighed. "It's a long story," he told her. He didn't want to tell Aimee. But he knew Max had to tell her.

Aimee frowned and looked at him. "Chris? If it has something to do with my daughter then I want to know," she said.

"Okay. You're right. Max has a baby with someone else. She's starting today as a drama teacher. Her name is Lexie," Chris said.

Aimee felt heartbroken. She couldn't believe it. Max had got someone else pregnant and had another child. She didn't even know.

"Aimee. Are you okay?" Chris asked. He saw the upset on Aimee's face.

"How old is the baby?"

"She just turned one. I'm sorry. Max should have told you," Chris told her.

Aimee nodded and slammed her cup down. "Yeah. He should have," she spat. She was fuming.

Aimee could do the maths. She realised that he had been sleeping with them both. Aimee realised that Max had gotten Lexie pregnant around the time she had Esmè. Which made sense as he was awol a lot then.


Aimee walked into Max's office and glared. "We need to talk," she said as she sat on the desk. She couldn't look into his eyes as she would melt.

Max looked at her and smirked. "Yeah? About?" He asked.

"Lexie. And the fact you have a child with her. How could you not tell me? Is that where you were when I was in labour?" She asked. She was heartbroken.

"Yes. I was going to dump Lexie. You dumped me a month before," Max said.

Aimee rolled her eyes and glared. "Don't make this about you Max. I had a right to know something like this. That you have a baby with another woman."

"Her name is Elsie. She's Esmè's little sister. Esmè loves her," Max said.

"Esmè has met her?" Aimee asked. She was shocked that her daughter had met her little sister before she even knew about her.

"Of course she has. It's her sister. They're close. I told her not to tell you as I knew this would happen," Max said.

Aimee looked to him and glared. She could feel her blood boil. "And Lexie? Are you two sleeping together?" She asked.

"No, but like you, she can't help but come back for more," he said as Aimee slapped him and stormed off. She was hurt by him.


Aimee sat in her classroom and wiped the tears away from her eyes. She was done with Max after all the lies and secrets she was done. Especially when she got heir daughter to keep secrets from her.

Chris walked in and smiled as he handed her a coffee. "Are you okay?" He asked as Aimee shook her head. Chris sighed and sat on the desk. "It's going to be okay. You deserve better than him."

The two of them held a look. Aimee looked at him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. Aimee kissed him back. Not caring if he was Max's best friend. But was Aimee truly done with Max? Or would he win her back?

Sleeping With Baby Daddy •Waterloo Road•Where stories live. Discover now