Chapter 1-Angel, Please.

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Christine Daae

"Father, your song was beautiful!" I praised.

"Thank you my dear Christine. Perhaps, one day, you will be on stage when I play." he smiled his warm smile.

"I am on stage! Have you forgotten that I'm a ballerina?" I giggled.

"I meant as a soprano, my flower." he chuckled.

"What? That's the silliest thing I've ever heard!" I shook my head, holding his hand.

"You've got a beautiful voice!" he tried.

"It'd take a miracle for that." I blushed.

"A miracle? Perhaps an angel of music!" He laughed.

"That sounds beautiful!" I agreed.

"You got a letter from Raoul, darling. It's on the dining room table." He informed me.

"Raoul?", I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, the boy you met at the beach.", He nodded.

"Oh! How kind!" I opened the letter and began to read.

Little Lotte ,
I hope you have not forgotten the boy that went to fetch your scarf. One day, we shall grow up and be married. Do you believe it? Come meet me today at the park near the opera house. We must talk.
Yours truly,
Raoul De Changy

"Father, may I go to the park?" I asked politely.

"Of course. I don't feel very well. I think it'd be best if I rested." Father went to his room and I ran off with my red scarf. I saw Raoul sitting by a tree and I ran to him.

"Little Lotte!" He called out with great joy. I hugged him tightly and smiled.

"Oh Raoul, how I've missed you! You must see father. Perhaps
it will make him feel better. He hasn't been in the best of spirits but-"

"I can't Christine." He said solemnly. My heart dropped.

"What do you mean, Raoul?"

"Christine...I haven't a clue when I will be back, but I'm moving to Italy with my parents for a while." He sat down with me when he told me this.

"You must promise me to write everyday." My lip trembled as the sadness set in.

"I promise, Christine." He hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"I should be getting home. I love you Raoul. Please remember that. I do so need you to remember that." I exclaimed.

"I shall. Not a day will go by without you on my mind." He gazed into my eyes and I could feel my soul flutter.

"Not a day." I nodded in agreement. We embraced each other once more before we went our different ways, never knowing if we were to see each other again. I ran into the house and found my father lying in bed, croaking like a frog.

"Father, shall I summon a doctor?" I asked anxiously. He nodded sadly and I ran to the opera house. I looked around anxiously for my bestfriend Meg.

"Christine! How are you and your fath-"

"Oh Meg! I need a doctor! Father isn't feeling well. He's croaking like a frog o-or a toad!" I cried. She nodded and we ran to her mother, Madame Giry.

"What's wrong girls?" She raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"Mother, please get a doctor! Christine's father isn't well!" Meg squeaked. Madame Giry nodded quickly.

"You girls need to stay with him and try to keep him stable while I find a doctor and a carriage." She ordered. We nodded and ran to my house. I couldn't think as I ran. I let my feet keep going, but my mind was slow and confused. I felt as if I were in a cloud of worry and sadness.

Once we arrived, we slowly made our way to his room. Meg held my hand comfortingly as we entered. I looked at my poor father's handkerchief covered in blood. Tears spilled out onto my cheeks and Meg hugged me.

"Father...What can I do? Please tell me.", I begged him, kneeling down by his side.

"Sing for me," He took a deep breath. "It will help." He coughed. I nodded and began to sing.

"Loves a curious thing, it often comes disguised. Look at love the wrong way, it goes unrecognized," I sang, excited when he smiled at me. "So look with your heart, and not with your eyes. A heart understands, a heart never lies. Believe what it feels, and trust what it shows. Look with your heart, the heart always knows. Love is not always beautiful...not at the start." I continued singing the melody I learned from the oepra house. Meg sat down and sang with me, smiling.

"So open your arms and close your eyes tight. Look with your heart and when it finds love, your heart will be right." We sang together. Just as we finished, Madame Giry walked in with a doctor. We quickly stood up.

"Girls, please wait in the living room.", Madame Giry instructed.

"Can I speak to my father for a moment, please?" I begged. She nodded and exited the room with the doctor and Meg. I hugged my father tightly, sobbing into his shirt.

"Father, mother is gone, Raoul is moving to Italy, and you are getting worse every minute. What am I to do?" I sobbed.

"Oh my dear Christine. Please wipe away your tears, flower," He begged. I wiped them away obediently. "Christine you must look at me as I say this." He ordered. I nodded and looked at him.

"Christine you are young, inncoent and pure. Keep those good intentions do yours. Always see the good in people and keep a good heart. Father may not be around to see you blossom, but I swear to you I will be watching in heaven and, just as I promised, I will send to you an angel of music." He smiled at me, but the pain was behind his mask of happiness. I nodded and continued wiping away my tears.

"Father what am I going to do without you?" I cried into his chest.

"Madame Giry already offered to have you stay with her. It will all work out." He mumbled.

"I love you father..." I sobbed.

"I love you too, flower." He murmured. I walked out of the room, knowing that those were the last words I would ever hear from my father.

I sat with Meg and we mourned together. Sorrow filled my heart and I sighed. Raoul could not protect me from such sadness, nor an angel of music. Meg went to use the restroom and once she was gone, I began to pray. I held my hands together tightly and sat on my knees, trembling.

"Angel of music, please. Please help me, angel. I would give anything to keep father well. If fate is to step in then please help me get through this. Please, Angel." I begged, hoping that maybe.. Just maybe... My angel would listen.

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