Chapter 15- Pitiful Creature

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Okay guys so I'm skipping past the notes and stuff because I really wanna get the plot going and none of that is important to my plot. So this will be starting off at the beginning of the final lair. Not every lyric will be in this, just some. Just so you know, in my book, Christine doesn't realize alot until she leaves Erik. Also, this is only most of the final lair. Not all of it.

Christine Daae

         "Have you gorged yourself at last in your lust for blood?! Am I now to be prey in your lust for flesh?", I sang quietly, hoping the phantom wouldn't hear me. I just wished that my angel would come back. Of course, though, he heard me.

          "This fate, which condemns me to wallow in blood...has also denied me the joys of the flesh.", He sang to me coldy. I looked down at my dress. The dress was undeniably beautiful. It took me a minute to realize that it was a wedding dress. My whole body froze. " This face which earned a mother's fear and loathing. A mask- my first unfeeling scrap of clothing.", he turned to look at me.

        "Pity comes too late.", he walked closer before screaming at me. " Turn around!..and face your fate- an eternity of this before your eyes. ", He threw the veil into my head and began to fix my dress. I grabbed his arms quickly and looked him straight in the eyes.

            "This haunted face holds no horror for me now. It's in your soul where the true distortion lies...", His eyes softened and for a moment, I believed my angel was back...until we heard someone enter the lair.

               "Wait my dear, I think, we have a guest!",He chuckled as we turned to face Raoul.

              "Raoul!", I screamed a blood-curdling scream, starting to run to him, but the phantom was far too fast this time. He grabbed my neck and held me back. I put my hands on his arm, struggling to free myself.

             "Sir, this is indeed an unparalleled delight! I had rather hoped that you would come. And now my wish comes true! You have truly made my night.", He smirked and Raoul became beyond angry.

           "Free her! Do what you like, only free her! Have you no pity?", He put his hands up, slowly making his way to me. The phantom chuckled teasingly and turned to me.

           "Your lover makes a passionate plea.", The second he said that, I immediately wanted to slap him. How  dare he talk to me like that? And he wants me to marry him? I turned my attention towards Raoul.

               "Please Raoul, its useless.", The thing I needed to focuse on what keeping Raoul safe. He can hurt me, but he was not going to hurt Raoul.

            "I love her! Does that mean nothing?  I love her! Show some compassion!", He shouted.

              "The world showed no compassion to me!", Raoul was loud, but the phantom was louder.

           "Christine, Christine...", He cooed, before turning to the phantom. "Let me see her!", He demanded.

              "Be my guest sir!", He immediately dropped me, letting me fall to the ground, before walking away. Raoul ran to me, and held me tightly.

              "Are you okay?", He asked, carresing my cheek. I nodded and he smiled slightly. "I'm going to get us out of here.", He quickly got up and looked around for a way out.

            "Monsieur, I bid you welcome. Did you think that I would harm her? Why should I make her pay for the sins that are yours?!", The phantom wrapped the noose around my fiance's life and my heart dropped.

              "Order your fine horses now! Raise your hand to the level of your eyes! Nothing can save you now...exept, perhaps...Christine.", He said mockingly before running to me. He grabbed my back and held me close to him.

            "Start a new life with me- buy his freedom with your love! Refuse me and you send your lover to his death. This is the choice!", He growled before throwing me to the ground, making my anger boil higher and higher. "This is the point of no return!", he shouted. I sat there and thought about everything. He hurt me, he hurt Raoul, he hurt my relationship with Raoul, and now he tries to buy my love? I couldn't take it any longer.

           "The tears I might have shed for your dark fate grow cold and turn to tears of HATE!", I sang. Throwing off my veil. I couldn't let him control my life any longer. Raoul begged for my forgiveness while the man I no longer knew ridiculed everything I said.

            "Farewell my fallen idol and false friend! We had such hopes and now those hopes are shattered!", I growled.

              "Past all hope of cries for help. No point in fighting. For either way you choose you cannot win!", He quickly picked up the veil and walked towards me. " So do you end your days with me or do you send him to his grave?", before I could answer, Raoul spoke.

          "Why make her lie to you to save me?", He scowled. What could I do? I surely wouldn't send Raoul to his grave, but I couldn't spend the rest of my life with this monster. The only thing I could do is beg for mercy.

           "Angel of music, who deserves this? Why do you curse mercy?", I sang to him.

            "His life is now the price which you must earn!", He stared at me with his cold eyes, but I knew I had to get my angel back.

              "Angel of music...", I began to sing, kneeling down to meet him.

                "You've passed the point of no...return...", He sang quietly.

                "You decieved me! I gave my mind blindly!", I cried, praying he'd let us go. He sat for a minute before turning to me.

           "You try my patience... Make your choice.", He stood up and turned to walk away. I didn't know what to do anymore, until an idea popped into my head. All my poor, unhappy angel wanted was compassion and love. I felt so bad for him. Some part of me loved him. I knew what I had to do.

          "Pitiful creature of darkness... What kind of life have you known? God give me courage to show you, you are not alone!", I turned him around and kissed his face, placing one hand on each cheek. I pulled away and hugged his body. He slowly put his arms around me and I kissed him once again. He closed his eyes for a moment, before prying me away. He walked towards Raoul and I prayed that he would let him go.

So that's the end of this chapter. Also PresleyElmer devil take the hindmost;)

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