Chapter 30- Marriage In The Moonlight.

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Before we start this chapter, I need to say thank you guys. I can't believe we are on our 30th chapter AND hit 2k reads! I have loved seeing your guys' comments and I just..words cannot express the way I feel(Try though I may). Just.. Thank you guys. So much.

Christine Daae

"Are you alright, Miss Daae?", The doctor asked as I wiped a tear from my eye. Erik was literally going to kill me.

"Yes. I-... I am very...shocked.", I lied.

"Alright. Well, just remember to eat well. You're eating for two now."

Erik Destler

"Christine! Where did you go? I was so worried about you, Mon ange.", I asked, when Christine closed the door.

"I took a visit to the doctor.",She mumbled. What was wrong? "We should talk."

I sat down on the couch and Christine sat on my lap, her arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"So, you know how know?", She blushed and I nodded. "And I've been throwing up a lot lately...", Her voice trailed off. I tensed up, waiting for her to speak.

"Christine are you-"

"Pregnant.", She burst out in to tears and I stood, letting her fall into the couch. She reached her hands towards me as she did when she was a child and it hurt me to turn away.

Christine Daae

And so it begins. Erik was going to leave me. I stood and cupped his face with my hands.

"You might not love me anymore, but you have to love this baby. It is your child, Erik.", I sighed.

"I...I...Erik needs to be alone!", He whimpered and ran into the music room, locking the door. I sighed and sat back down.

After a few hours of endless banging on the organ, I couldn't take it. I swiftly walked to the kitchen and grabbed the key to the basement. I unlocked the door and stomped down the stairs.

"Enough!", I screamed, making Erik turn towards me.

"What are you doing down here?", he sneered.

"I refuse to deal with this sort of childlike behavior, Erik. You love me remember? I love you! This child will love you! I am terrified right now and you are locking yourself away from me. I need my angel, my Erik!"

"E- Erik doesn't like children. Erik will hurt the child.", he looked down at the floor, as if he was ashamed.

"You know it pains me when you talk in third person. I am not your mother. You don't need to hide from me like that.", I looked at him, my head still pounding.

            "Erik is- I am sorry.", He stuttered. I chuckled and sat in his lap.

            "Erik, believe me when I say that you will be a wonderful father to our child. Our child is going to love you.", I looked him in the eyes.

             "I know.", he sighed. "Just...after my childhood, I just don't know what children like or do because I didn't really have time to be a child. You know how I get when angry and... I can't hurt my own flesh and blood.", Tears filled his eyes and I wiped them away.

            "We will not let that happen. Erik, when we have this child, I doubt you'll ever be mad at it. You have hurt people before, but when it comes to love ones, you go out of your way to protect them.", I looked at him in the eyes, trying to be firm. He smirked his all too well smile.

        "You're getting quite feisty, mon ange.", He quickly turned so he had me locked in his arms, facing him.

          "Hardly.", I smiled. He kissed my hand and squeezed it tightly.

            "So, when are we to get married?", He asked.

              "Soon, I would hope."

               "One week. I think...Marriage in the moonlight?"

                  "That sounds wonderful.", I smiled at him and pulled his lips to mine, taking off his mask. For the first time in a long time, he didn't flinch when I took it off.

Erik Destler

              "We need to write our vows.", I announced, as I sat at the piano and Christine read some sheet music.

                "There is so much I want to say, but I just can't put it all together.", She sighed in frustration.

                 "And we should get each other  gifts.", I chuckled.

                "You're impossible to get something for.", she groaned.

               "Sing me something, Mon ange. Your voice is the greatest gift I could ever get from you."

               "I'd want the same gift."

                "Your own voice? A little bit vain, but-"

          "No! I want you to sing for me."

            "How about a duet?", I pulled out some sheet music and placed in down.

              "Now?", She walked over and placed her small hands on my shoulders.

              "An early gift has never hurt a soul, angel.", I reminded her. She smiled and sat next to me, reading the sheet music while I began to play the piano. She smiled at me and I kissed her forehead.

Christine Daae

        After we finished singing, I went to the living room to think about my vows.

         "Perhaps a rough draft.", I mumbled, grabbing some ink and paper. I began to write the letter.

             Love. That's a curious thing. Love is a very mysterious thing. One day it isn't there and the next day, it has become your whole entire life.

        My mind blanked and I folded up the paper and slipped in a drawer. I had so much to say about Erik, so why couldn't I think of anything. I pushed those thoughts away and tried to focuse   on the wedding.

         It would obviously be held in our backyard at night, but who would marry us? I'd need to call a preacher to come out here. I didn't need to worry too much about decorations, I'd let Meg handle that, but what about my dress? My hair? My makeup? I sat there for at least ten minutes before thinking of what I was going to wear.

         I was going to need to take a trip back to the opera house.

So it's pretty obvious what Christine is going to wear for the wedding but still COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK SHES GOING TO WEAR! Or just say hi cause I like friends. I'd like to again say thank you guys for sticking around for 30 chapters and 2K reads! I love you guys so much- B

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