Chapter 33- My Darling, You're Beautiful.

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Christine Daae
Five months later

"Please get that away from me.", I groaned as Erik brought a plate of crackers over to me.

"You have to eat, Christine. If not for you, then for the child.", He pleaded.

"We are not very hungry.", I sighed.

"Please?", The fact that he always got what he wanted both irritated me and amused me.

"Very well.", I gave in and he grinned, kissing my lips.

"Thank you!", he handed me a cracker and watched me eat it.

"I'm already big enough as it is, I don't need all this food.", I said as I finished my last cracker. Erik grabbed my face and looked at me, confusion etched across his face.

"Don't say that. It hurts me.", His eyes were filled with worry.

"But it's true. Just look at me.", I whined.

"My darling, you're beautiful. You are pregnant, not fat. You are so extremely beautiful. Every inch of you is its own work of art."

"Then why don't you believe me?", I asked. Erik pulled his hands away and looked down.

"I haven't the slightest idea what you mean."

"Erik, you're beautiful! God created you this way for a reason. If I had to choose a definition of beautiful, it'd be you.", I kissed his forehead and smiled at him.

"What did I do to deserve you?", he whispered.

"I could ask the same thing, angel.", Just as my lips were about to meet his, a loud crash came from the nursery. I stood up to go see what happened, but Erik grabbed my arm.

"Let me go see what's going on. I won't allow you to-"

"I can handle myself.", I ignored his protests and walked into the nursery. Erik walked in behind me and grabbed my arms to support me. I covered my mouth and stared at the now destroyed living room. The word 'whore' was scratched into all the walls and the toys were broken and ripped apart.

"Who could've done this?", I whimpered. Erik pulled me into his arms and I closed my eyes, trying to ignore what was happening.

            "I swear to God I am going to track down whoever did this and when I find them..", Erik stopped and tensed up. I looked at him.

             "Do you think you know who did this, Erik?", His usually bright eyes turned dark and filled with hate.

              "Yes...Raoul.", He sneered.

            "I beg your pardon?"

            "You saw him drinking at our wedding! He must be drinking again! I can't believe this!", He shouted, letting go of me and kicking a leg of a chair.

              "Darling, please, are you alright?"

                "Why, that idiot Raoul! I will kill that drunken fool!", He roared. I stepped out of the room. I heard a knock at the door and I ran over to see who it was. Raoul. Someone was bound to get hurt now. I quietly let him in.

                "What's going on?", He whispered.

              "Erik's having a breakdown. Listen, Raoul, you must leave before Erik-"

            "Christine? Who's there?!", Well, this was it. This was the day I was going to watch my friend be murdered. Erik walked out of the room and his eyes instantly locked with Raoul's.

              "You! You've got some nerve showing up here, you fop! How dare you show up here after all the damage you've done! I'll kill you!", He growled.

            "What on earth-", before Raoul had even finished his sentence, Erik had grabbed ahold of his throat. I stood there in shock and horror, not sure what to do. Raoul tried to get out of his grasp, but Erik threw him to the ground and continued choking him.

           "Stop.", I pleaded.

             He continued.

             "Erik, that's enough."

              He ignored me.


               Raoul's hands began to slip from Erik's shoulders.

                "For God's sake Erik, that's enough!", I screamed. Erik quickly let go and stood up. He looked at me and his eyes softened.


                "How dare you? I- I...I need to be alone. I can't be around you right now.", I walked away. Erik grabbed my arm tightly and I turned around.

              "You do not walk away from me like that, Mrs. Destler, do you understand me?", He growled.

                "Keep it up and I will soon be Miss Daae again.", I snapped at him and pulled away, walking into the wrecked nursery and locking the door. Erik knocked on the door, but I fell onto the floor and leaned against the door.

Erik Destler

           I wasn't entirely sure what had just happened. I almost killed an innocent man...again. I destroyed the nursery even more than it already was and I quite possibly just lost the angel that God had sent to me.

                What have I done?

        "I think I'll be going now...", Raoul mumbled as his rubbed his neck.

          "Oh...My sincerest apologies.", I sighed.

            "You've got bigger problems than trying to murder me. You should not be apologizing to me.", And with that, he left. I knocked softly on the door again.

           "Go away.", Her cries alone could kill me.

              "Christine, my angel, I am so sorry. ", I cooed.

              "No you are not! If you were sorry, this wouldn't keep happening! How am I going to explain that you are a psychopath to our child? How am I going to take the sight of seeing their father kill someone out of their eyes! What will you say to them, Erik? That you're sorry?", Every word she said killed me because she spoke the truth.

          "I know. I know I need to change. I promise I'm trying. I know what I do is wrong. Forgive me. I beg you to love me.", slowly the door opened. She looked at my eyes and threw herself into my arms. She reached her lips to my ears and whispered-

           "I could never stop loving you."


Before My Angel Sang(Phantom Of The Opera)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt