Chapter 37- My Sweet Christine.

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Christine Daae
Four months later

"The baby could be here any minute now! Isn't that exciting? Everything is prepared, correct?", I smiled. I was two days past my due date. Erik and I were beyond excited for the baby to come. We had everything prepared from the room to having everything safe for the child. We were both also prepared, perhaps even too prepared.

"I am incredibly excited. I believe everything is prepared, except one thing: we haven't though about any names yet, darling.", Erik reminded me.

"How could I have forgotten about that? Well, what do you think?", I had completely forgotten about names with all the things we had already been dealing with.

"Well, Erik junior or Christine junior. I think that sounds quite perfect.", He grinned at me and I playfully slapped his arm.

"How about Gustave for a boy? That was my father's name.", I asked.

"Gustave sounds wonderful. How about Harmony or Melody for a girl?"

"Those names sound wonderful.", I agreed. Erik looked at my stomach and gently pressed his hands against it. The baby seemed to like when either of us talked to it, but especially if one of us sang, which gave us hope that it would love music as much as we did.,

"What do you think, my child? Gustave, Harmony, or Melody?", He asked softly. I could feel the kicks in my stomach and I held in my fits of laughter. Erik beamed and his eyes filled with love every time the baby reacted to him.

"I definitely think this child is going to be following their father around.", I noted.

"Hardly. Their mother is much more interesting.", Erik smirked at me and I laughed.

"For God's sake, Mr. Destler, take a compliment.", I rolled my eyes at him and he raised an eyebrow.

"Mr. Destler?"

"What can I say? I'm in a formal mood.", He laughed at my comment and pressed his lips against mine. I hummed and he smiled. "You haven't kissed me in awhile. I was beginning to worry you didn't love me."

"What did you just say, Christine Destler?", He looked at me and I tensed up.

"I was teasing you darling."

"Christine.", He whispered in my ear. "If you think that I don't love you, you've truly gone mad.", his voice always sent shivers down my spine. He started kissing me again and I happily obliged. Suddenly, a very violent pain shot through me and I couldn't hold in my scream. Erik looked at me with wide eyes and held my hand.

"Did I hurt you?", He whimpered. I smiled half-heartedly and shook my head.

"Erik, I think...", I took a deep breath as another sharp pain struck through me. "I think the baby is coming.", his eyes went wide as he quickly helped me up.

        I knew that birth was painful, but I never expected to be in this much pain. I always thought I would be able to get through it, but if this was painful, how much would it hurt when I had the child? I held my breath from the pain and squeezed Erik's hand tightly.

"Let's get you laying down. I'll go get Meg right away.", He helped me into bed and started to leave the room. We were lucky that Meg and Madame Giry only lived a little bit down the road. Both of us were already on edge, given the risk of child birth and  that I could possibly die while giving birth."Christine?"

        "Yes, Erik?"

         "Come what may, I swear somehow, someway, I will hear you sing."

          "I promise you that you will, just as I've always swore."

Erik Destler

I sat on the sofa in the living room with Raoul, anxiously tapping my foot. Meg had refused to let me be in the room with Christine, although I had bribed her with francs, which she took anyway. It felt as if it had been hours, but the clock begged to differ.

          "I'm sure she will be fine, Erik.", He could tell I was nervous.

          "I don't know why I can't be in there!", I complained.

           "Quite possibly because if you saw Christine in that much pain, which can not be stopped, you would blame it on Meg and try to choke her.", Raoul chuckled a little and I glared at him.

           "Any pain can be stopped.", I muttered.

             "So you admit you would try to choke Meg?", He persisted.

             "If that makes you sleep at night,Vicomte, then I will agree.", I sighed. He smiled and sat back in his chair. "What if she..", I couldn't even bring myself to say it.

"She won't. Christine is an extremely strong woman, both emotionally and physically. If she can hold on after being shot, I am sure she can get through child birth.", His words were true, but that did not calm me down. I was still a nervous wreck.

What would I do without Christine? I could barely get through two years without Christine. How could I live the rest of my life without her voice, without her? She was my everything. Surely my child would think it was their fault if I told them how she died. I couldn't let my child live with that guilt.

          Would she hold on? Would she live to see our child? There were so many questions that needed to be answered. How could I raise a child on my own? Christine was so much more gentler than I was. My child would surely grow to resent me. How could I live if my child hated me? My own flesh and blood...

            "Erik!", An all too well scream pulled me out of my thoughts and I ran to the bedroom door. I banged on the door until my hands felt numb.

               "Megan Giry, let me in or I swear to God himself I will murder you! Let me in!", I shouted, banging on the door and jiggling the knob. The screams ended and the door slowly opened, showing me what I never thought I would see.

Cliffhangers for you guys.

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