part five

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TW: Violence 

willies pov: Simon told me about Marcus and what had happened between them, willie was mad that Marcus made Simon uncomfortable and did things to fast. so willie had a plan to go to Marcus's house and confront him. he did not tell Simon because he knew that Simon would obviously say not to go.

Simons Pov: willie was acting weird he couldn't lie to me for shit. so when I asked him what was wrong and he said "nothing" I looked at him and said "when have you ever been able to lie to me?" he sighed "okay fine, I wanna go to Marcus's house" I looked at him "why though?" he looked at me and said "I hate that he made you uncomfortable and was not good to you" I smiled "willie im okay now, im with you" I hugged him and he said "I know but please let me go?" I pulled away from the hug and said "fine but im coming with you".

Willies pov: Simon was actually okay with it? I was so surprised... he said he had to come with me though because he wanted to make sure I did not do anything to him. I called for car and we went to the horse ranch he was scooping horse shit. I scuffed and said "well look who it is" he looked up and said "what do you want" then he looked over at Simon "hi baby, how are you doing?" Simon looked at me and saw I was getting pissed he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked at him "don't you dare call him that"  he smirked "or what you pussy" I looked at him dead in the eye and said I will kill you".

Simons Pov: willie was starting to get pissed very quickly I knew this was a bad idea but I knew it would make him feel better because he thought it was his fault."willie lets go" I said tugging his arm "one minute" he turned saying I looked at him and then Marcus said "maybe you should go, but leave Simon here im done with him yet". willie looked at him and with a quick look at me he jumped over the fence and jumped on top of Marcus. "WILLIE STOP" he started punching his face and saying "he's mine not yours" and "leave him alone" I stood there trying to figure out what to do still yelling "WILLIE PLEASE" I looked over and saw Felice and Sara running over.

Willies pov: I was beating his face in with my bare hands and it felt so good, I finally got to hurt the person who hurt my Simon. then all of the sudden I heard Felice yell "WILLIE HES GONNA DIE" then Sara yell "YOU BEAT HIM UP ENOUGH" when I looked down I saw him with blood all over his face that's I realized Simon was staring at me. I got up and walked over jumping back over the fence, Sara said "ill call the ambulance" felice said "no don't I will take care of him, even though we should just leave him here" Sara nodded and opened the fence and ran over to him to with Felice. I went over to Simon and said "im so sorry, I don't know what happened I just though of him and what he did to you". 

Simons Pov: I hugged willie as he cried "its okay, im not mad at you" he looked up "Your not?" I laughed "of course not he deserved it anyway. and you look kinda hot when your mad" I said kissing him. he hugged me so tight and I said "thank you for caring about me so Much" he looked at me "of course I would never let anyone hurt you, and if they do well then look at Marcus" I looked at fleece "are you guys okay with him?" she said "yeah go ahead go home" right when he got home we both went into the bedroom and layed down in the bed we both fell asleep not to long after that.

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