A spark.

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Dream shot up from his sleep tears rolling down his face as he saw blue in his room his hands placed on his right arm. "B-Blue?" Dream said as he sat more upward and wiped his tears away "what happened why are you in here?" Dream had said in confusion. "Dream you where practically screaming bloody murder. I tried to wake you up but I think it made it worse because your started crying and screaming."

Dream had turned to face blue to get up... he saw blues worry in his eyes, he has never seen someone look at him like this. "What is this feeling? Am I feeling bad for blue for having to deal with this? It's fine just ignore it for now." Dream had thought to himself. "Um I'm sorry blue for you having to deal with this it was just a really bad nightmare..." Dream said. Blues eyes softened as he got up from his kneeling position "it's alright Dream. Would you like to come to the kitchen with me to get your mind of things?"

Blue said with his eye getting a little brighter. Dream got up and said "y-yea sure that sounds good right now. Thanks blue." Blue started walking to the door "No problem dream." He said while walking out. Dream had felt something... something new, he put his hand over his soul and he followed blue out.

What is this soft feeling?

Dream falls in loveWhere stories live. Discover now