Early bird.

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As Dream and blue walked down he saw the time it was 5:13 A.M. Dream felt a little bad for blue so he spoke up and said "Sorry for waking you." Blue had looked at dream while turning on the coffee maker and said "it's alright I get up around this time anyways so no worries. "Dream felt a small flutter something similar to when blue looked at him with his big, bright, worried eyes.

"I have never felt this before it's so strange maybe I can ask ink about it later. But he might not understand as well... so maybe Error might know?" Dream had thought to himself. Blue was making coffee for the both of them. Once blue was done he handed Dream a cup as he started to drink his own. Dream stared at his coffee still thinking about that feeling, he tried to remember anyone talking about a fluttery feeling in there stomachs, aches to the souls, and hot feelings to the face.

Dream had took a sip after staring for awhile and thought "maybe error's awake? I know ink sleeps in until at least 11:00 A.M." Dream had finished his coffee and set it in the sink. "Hey Blue Im going to get changed and go somewhere for a little bit so I'll probably be back before ink wakes up" Dream had said while heading up the stairs. Blue had called back "Alrighty then that should work out fine if ink wants us to do anything today."

Dream had walked back in his room and got changed into his current outfit, he also grabbed some white face paint from his nightstand and put it under his eyes so he didn't look like he hasn't slept in days. Finally he put on his crown and opened a portal to the anti-void. "Alright I'm going to find out what this strange feeling is and figure out why it's happening to me" dream had thought while jumping through the portal.

Now where is he.

Dream falls in loveWhere stories live. Discover now