Chapter 1

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The beginning of the academy was today and Scar being a child with no family, couldn't get in. He had zero people talking to him and problems in his life refused to end. He didn't know how to do many things but if there was one thing he did know, it was how to do good in school. He sadly didn't get the chance though. Scar simply sat on the wooden swing in front of the academy as he watched all of the younger kids around the same age as him enter the school.

He sighed a little as the students all filed in until he was alone. Why was he the one that was always left alone? What did he ever do to deserve such desertment from everyone? It pained him a lot to see all of the students having friends and laughing while he simply sat there every day while people shunned him out entirely.

"I don't need any of them anyway."

He grips the swings rope a little and swallows hard.

"I'll show them all one day."

He clenched his fist and tightened his jaw but stopped as he took a deep breath and got up. He always felt at home in one place and one place only. He left the swing and walked away from the academy and into the woods.

The woods were awfully close to the academy but can expand to quite the distance really from how large they were. Scar walked through a small dirt path that helped him navigate through the woods easily. Being a young eight year old boy, he could only cover so much ground. He placed his hands into his white shorts and looked up at the sun through the cracks of the trees that rose above his head. The wind blew gently through his short white hair, moving it back and forth along with the wind currents.

He approached an apple tree and looked at it before climbing up the side of the trunk and hopping up onto a branch and picking an apple from it. He scratched at the apple lightly and whenever he made sure it was edible, he takes a bite out of it and looks around.

"This is the one place that is peaceful." Scar said with a sigh as he took another bite out of his apple.

Why couldn't the days be more like this so he didn't have to even walk to the forest? He could just walk around the village and not have to worry about getting looked at or made fun of or scolded. He hated all of it. He wanted something to come and happen that would change up his life or something but the odds of that actually happening are close to zero. Maybe he wasn't needed in the world.

The possibility was one to consider. However, there was always someone who needed him. An acorn fell from the tree and hit his head lightly as he stops eating and looks down at the acorn that fell.

"Well that was unexpected. Didn't expect that little rascal to show up yet."

Scar let out a small smile as a small squirrel climbed down the tree and hoped onto his head. He gives the animal a gentle pet as it arrived. Okay, maybe the animals were a good reason to stay. He got along with a lot of them and was even the pack leader of a bunch of wolves but it was hard to get so far.

Scar saw the squirrel perk up and run away quickly which caused him to sit up. When he did, a loud yell was heard not too far from him followed by a large pool of blood shooting out into the sky which really caught his attention. He stands on the branch and hops down from it as he starts to walk towards the direction of the blood and screaming.

As he continued on, the yelling got louder and louder which was followed by an actual head rolling on the floor. Scar's heart started to speed up as he approached more and more. Curiosity killed the cat is the amazing saying they always have. Let's hope that it wasn't true right here for his sake. He finally reaching the clearing just as the second man died.

Scar's eyes widen as he looks at the pile of blood. There in the middle of all that blood, was a small five year old girl with white hair and blood red dress. Her eyes were red and glowing with rage so it was obvious that she wasn't someone he wanted to mess around with but before he could walk away, the deadly red eyes looked over at him which froze him.

The little five year old girl smiled psychotically at Scar which wasn't a good thing as his heart smashed now.

"Hello there little boy! Care to play?" Said the cute little white haired girl before quickly grabbing his arm and looking at him.

"Please." She hissed at him

The young girl was covered entirely in blood and was carrying a small teddy bear covered in blood as well. Scar's heart flared in fear but he swallowed hard and tried to act tough. He knew that if he showed fear, she would take that chance and kill him quickly most likely before the day even ends.

The BeginningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora