Bonus Chapter 3 (Part 2)

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"How do you know my name?" Scar looked at her before jumping down and landing in front of her. Being only 5'7" at the age of 12, he was only two inches taller than her. She smirks at him and leans against her Claymore sword. "Well you certainly have changed quite a bit. Seeing you now as apposed to 10 years from now, the change is quite large." His eyes widen and he looks at her. "Who are you?" She brushes some hair from her face and smiled at him. "How shocking that you don't recognize your own wife. I thought I meant more to you." She giggles and stands again. "I'm just kidding. The reason you don't know me is cause I'm not from this dimension. However, I know all about you, Scar. You're quite the scary one. But you're older version is just so much stronger. But of course, my husband has to be strong. How else would he protect me?"

Scar raised an eyebrow and just stared at her. "Did you take something lady?" She picks up her sword and immediately points it at him, the tip of the sword grazing his cheek. "I can see that you don't believe me but I don't blame you. I wish there was a way I could prove it but sadly, I can't. You decided to stay back so I couldn't bring you along to meet yourself. Shame." She smirks and presses the sword against his cheek. "I basically made you into who you are. Strong and caring. A great father figure. You haven't lost a battle in years. And now, children are on their way. How exciting." She giggled and with a swift motion, her sword had pressed against his neck. "Even if I kill you now, it won't matter cause I'm not from this dimension. However, I take you away from the girl that replaced me in this dimension."

She kinda said that in a sour tone. Apparently she didn't like competition. "So many assassination jobs. Yet I couldn't kill you. And now we're married. I'll spare you just so I can come back and take you once more." Scar glared at her and moved the sword away but a sizzling burn to his hand made him scream and drop to his knees and she grins. "You are so weak. I don't know if I should waste my time with you." "You talk a lot you bitch." He glares at her and stands back back up. "Ouch. That really hurt baby. And I thought a husband showed more respect than that." In a flash, he was slammed against the wall of his house and she was pressing against him with her sword literally stabbed through his shoulder. He screamed again and he was surprised nobody had stopped to watch or something.

"Don't expect anyone to hear you or anything. I stopped time. Yea! Isn't that cool!?" She squealed and smirked. This girl was either bipolar or she just really didn't care. She brushed her finger on his lips and grinned at him. "I wonder if you kiss as good as you do when your older. But that would be super strange for you and I know you don't want me to be your first kiss. A strange fiery redhead who kicks total ass. But I know a lot of people would. However, they don't matter. " She backs up and rips the sword out of his arm before grabbing his neck and slamming him into the ground. Which made him cough blood up and groans as he tries to stand up. "I don't have a grudge against you or anything cutie. I just don't get to do this to you so it's very satisfying." She smirks and approaches him as she presses her foot against his stomach as he tries to move it off but he was hurt and weak

Scar was hopeless against the older girl. He didn't know how she was so strong. Maybe it was from flailing that massive sword all over the place. "Jesus. It's like you have super human strength or something!" He managed to get out of the ground but not before a metal boot slammed into his side and smashed his through the wall of his house and to the other side. She walked through the rubble and Scar stood up and shakily looks at her. "It seems like you can still keep going. Shame that it's for nothing though. I think I'll leave you with a good parting gift though. Just so you don't say I never gave you anything." She smirks and walks up to him and lifts his face up before pressing her lips to his. Scar was new to the whole kissing thing so he had no idea on what to do but it didn't last too long before she pulled away and dropped him. "Clueless I see. Oh well. You learn with practice. Have fun cleaning." She smirks and her sword disappears. She shortly evaporated into the air and Scar groaned as he sat up but it didn't take long before he passed out.

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