Bonus Chapter 1

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Yes! The main story is over but there are still a few more chapters left. Nothing too big. Just bonus chapters before I officially close off this book. This chapter is truly more on the "M" side cause it's super violent but just know that not all the bonus chapters will be this bad. Promise. Dun hate meh!!

Scar was basically an emotionless tool from the point of death to the current day. Maybe a week has passed since his friends death and he was just sitting in the academy, zoning out while the teacher taught. He didn't like listening and now, less than ever. Eventually his teacher and class stood up and they all went out to the back of the academy. Which was basically a field and a fence really. The teacher explained they would fight each other to test their strength.

Scar placed his hands in his pockets as he watched the kids fight. They were all boring and didn't really know what they were doing. Eventually? Naruto Vs Sasuke came. This fight was either gonna be really interesting or really boring. The match started and Naruto was pinned within seconds and Scar sighed. The great Uchiha. What a joke. He watched Naruto and Sasuke about to perform the hand shake until they both grabbed their shirts. Scar shook his head and watched. Sasuke looked at Scar and let out a hmph and that made his blood boil. He grinded his teeth together as Sasuke turned around and he glared.

"I challenge the great Uchiha." Scar said simply. That received gasps and glares from a lot of people. Sasuke stopped and turned around and Scar walked over to him. "You beat this kid around and you have admirers and everything but now you won't take a challenge from me because you know I can beat you just as fast as you beat Naruto. You're not special. You were born with your abilities. You didn't have to work on a daily basis to get where some people are. So prove to me that hard work can't beat the almighty Uchiha. Show me what I can't do. If I win, then I have tainted the great Uchiha name but if you win, you get to defend it. That won't be a problem will it?" Everyone was quiet.

Sasuke looks at him and smirks. "Very well." He approaches and Scar keeps his hands in his pockets as he watches Sasuke approach. The teacher looks at them and waits a bit. After a bit, he allows the match to start and with a huge wave of dust, Sasuke was on the floor, trying to get up as Scar was looking down at him with his hands in his pockets. "Is this all the Uchiha have left? One puny kid who doesn't know the first thing about the real world and how it works? How pathetic. I hate how oblivious you can be." He glares down at Sasuke before slamming his foot into Sasuke's stomach which sent him flying against the fence and everyone gasps. Scar keeps his hands in his pockets and watches Sasuke slowly stand up. He blinks when he heard someone shifting and looks around. Everyone was silent. He looks higher and noticed a familiar Scarlet haired blue eyed girl watching down at the fight with wide eyes.

Apparently she seemed interested in it. But this fight was nothing compared to what he does. He noticed that Sasuke was up and he had thrown shuriken towards Scar. He looks at them and easily caught them with his fingers as he drops them just in time to see Sasuke's foot coming straight towards his face. Scar simply stops it before it hits and slams him down onto the floor leaving a crater where he was slammed. He returns his hands to his pockets and looks down at the motionless Sasuke. Everyone was quiet as they looked at the crater. Scar sighs and shakes his head and looks up. He noticed the same girl bouncing up and down, silently cheering to herself and he saw a smile form on himself but it quickly disappeared as he looked down at Sasuke being helped up.

"No sharingan and you can't do any justu as of yet and you have no real life fighting experience. Don't go beating people around you know you can beat. Especially not someone that has been through more hell than you." He noticed that Sakura was starting to step out of the group and he looks over at her. "You annoy me too. All you ever talk about is Sasuke this and Sasuke that. Grow up and learn to think for yourself instead of following this idiot around everywhere." He noticed that the other fan girls got out of the group too and he sighs. "You are all idiots that don't know reality from fiction. All of you live in your Romeo and Juliet fairy tails. Grow up! The world sucks!" He watched as one of the girls charged at him. Ino. "God what a pig." He was getting ready when he saw Sakura charging at him too. He looked at both of them and was about to attack until the Scarlet haired girl jumped down from the roof and landed on Ino's back which made her slam onto the floor. Scar raised an eyebrow and pushed Sakura away. The girl smiled and waved before picking up Ino and throwing her to the middle of the field and climbing on top of her.

Scar focused on Sakura. Just his glare made her back up. "You want revenge for your precious Sasugay? Why are you so afraid to come fight me then?" She backed up more and Scar glared as he slowly approached. Back to the girl with Scarlet hair, she was on top of Ino, bashing her fists onto her head over and over again. The teacher was gone since he had taken Sasuke to the hospital which is why all of this was allowed. The girl bashed and bashed as she yelled at Ino. Basically she was mad about some things that Sakura and Ino had said to her. "You cry now but you never cried whenever you made fun of the fact I was stupid! You're just some pig that rolls around in mud all day! You called me ugly! I wish you could see yourself! And finally a tomato! I'm gonna show you what a hot pepper can do instead of a fruit! I hate looking at you! You make me sick!" Eventually Ino was crying by now and the girl groaned annoyed before punching her square in the nose and pushing her away. Scar watched her stand up and look at Sakura who was trembling in fear.

He noticed her smirk and approach Sakura. "And you!" She ran up to Sakura and grabbed her hair before throwing her roughly to Scar's feet. Scar noticed and kicked her back into the girls arms and she glared at Sakura. "You're no better than that stupid pig!" She roughly slammed her forehead against Sakura's and threw her against the floor before starting to kick her before she lifts her and throws her to Scar. Scar catches her and flips her over his shoulder and the girl comes and slams her knee cap against Sakura's jaw as Sakura collapsed onto the floor and Scar watched her. She was still alive. That's a good thing. He noticed the girl go to step on Sakura but he stopped her and she immediately started to struggle against Scar. He quickly leaves the field and jumps all the way to the park and stops before letting her down and he sighs and looks at his cut up and bloody knuckles.

He noticed the girl was glaring at him and he looks at her before smiling and placing his hand on her head which caught her off guard and made her blush a small bit. "Thanks for your help back there. But we can't kill them or we're gonna get kicked out." She shakes her head and sits down on the swing and he sits next to her. "I'm not really noticed in that academy." Scar chuckles and looks at her. "I'm surprised. With those fighting skills, you should be famous. I'm very impressed." That received another small blush but it quickly turned into a grin as she raises her fist into the air then aims it at him and winks. "My name is Akiko Akuma! Don't forget it!" He chuckles and looks at her before pressing his knuckles against hers. "My name is Scar Kaminari. And don't you forget it." They both grin wide and the blood from their knuckles mix and fall onto the floor with large glops every time.

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