Chapter 4

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As soon as the orange sun started to rise over the buildings of Konohagakure early in the morning, Scar was already awake. He was sitting down in front of the mattress that Zeroko had found and given him to use to sleep over night. Scar had on a black shirt and black pants with no sandals on. Apparently, the people of the village wore sandals instead of shoes like he was used to but that was fine. They felt more comfortable for him anyway.

Zeroko walked out of her room and into the main room/kitchen and stretched with a yawn. She was wearing a red shirt and a grey hoodie over it with black shorts. She also was bare foot as she walked over to the kitchen and looked around. Eventually, she found two instant Ramen cups and walked over to Scar and sat down next to him.

"This is all I have for now. Sorry." He nods and accepts his and breaks his chopsticks. "Arigato." He muttered as he starts to eat and she smirks. "You're thanking me? This is new." He ignores her and keeps slurping his Ramen calmly. "So." She began. "It's obvious you are good. Much better than many kids I've ever seen. However, you have that angry little guy inside of you that came out whenever you get mad. Correct?" He nods and continues to slurp as he looks over at her to listen to what else she says.

"So, with my help, I can teach you how to properly use that anger. He'll be your best friend by the time we are done." He stops slurping. "What exactly am I gonna get from this demon?" She breaks her chopsticks and starts to eat as well. "Well, it's supposed to be a demon with an enormous amount of Chakra right? Well, if you can obtain that energy, you'll be unstoppable."

He listens more and nods. "I see. So, how does this start out as anyway?" She tilts her head at him and grins. "Simple really. Simply beat your darkness inside of you and then fight the thing. Shouldn't be too hard." She starts to eat again as he ponders over what she had said. "What if you can befriend and it just gives you its Chakra?" She stops eating once more to think.

"Hm. Well, then I guess you won't have any problem controlling his power." She nods as she eats and he thinks more. "When can we start?" She finishes eating and drinks up the soup. "As soon as you want to." He idly starts to eat again as he thinks about this. "Let me finish and we can start." She coughs and looks at him. "Wait right now? I don't want to throw up." He rolls his eyes as he finishes eating and sips up his soup as well. "Fine. In an hour." He stands up and walks over to the door before opening and closing it and she sighs. "Commanding. How rude."

After an hour passes, Scar and Zeroko are now walking in the woods. Once they reach a large patch of short grass with trees surrounding it to form a large circle, they stop and she nods. "This should be a large enough space. I need to test out that guys strength first." Scar nods and closes his eyes. After a bit, they return to the black eyes and white slits as earlier as claws and fangs grew from his nails and teeth.

Zeroko steps back enough to were they have enough space and she nods. "First, we are gonna practice detection. Begin." She disappears and Scar blinks and looks around. Everything was quiet. The birds weren't even singing. Scar looks around and stands in the middle of the circle. He listens closely and when he heard nothing, he let his eyes do the work.

He looks around in every possible direction before slightly crouching like an animal does before shooting off into the trees and slamming directly against Zeroko as she squeaks in surprise but he stops himself before he actually hit her and she grins. "Well, that was very unexpected. Found me quicker than I expected. And it's clear speed is no issue with this thing either. Next, strength."

She hops off the branch and they return to the middle. She bites her thumb and makes a few hand signs before planting her hand on the ground. "Summoning jutsu!" A huge white cloud surrounded them before he saw 7 rows of wood. Each one contained a long piece of wood that weighed more than 150 lbs. With every row, another piece is added so the last row has seven of those.

"Alright. First one simply weighs 150. Now, nobody our age can pick these up but, if that thing can increase your strength, let's find out by how much." Scar nods and she steps back. He approaches the first row and lifts the one wood beam with ease before tossing it to the side. The second row had two so he lifted the two with ease and threw those away as well.

Now, row three has a total of 450 lbs worth of wood so he struggled a little but managed to lift it up with a hand anyway before tossing it away. The 4th row had a total of 600 lbs so he starts to lift it up but he couldn't with one arm so he lifted it with both arms and grunted a little before throwing them. "Alright. That's 600 lbs and counting. Move on." She said. Scar nodded and flailed his arms gently to loosen them a little before lifting up the 5th row much slower than the 4th. It was 750 lbs and he was struggling big time. He managed to throw it away and she nods.

"Alright. Next one is 900 lbs." He nods and slowly starts trying to lift it up but his arms just wouldn't budge and he grunts annoyed as he pulls Harder and harder but with no luck as he falls back and grunts and she starts to laugh. "Okay, so, 900 is too much but 750 is just barely the max you can lift. Now, it's time to go on to the next step. Reaction time." Scar groans and plops onto his back and sighs as he looks up.

"Alright. Maybe after you have rested up a bit. Doubt it's smart to go on for now after what you just did." She smiled and plopped down next to him and looked up at the sun that was hidden behind the trees. "You seem much more cheerful." Scar said to her. "When we met, you were a psychotic freak and now, you just seem like a normal little girl." She nods and keeps looking up. "Only when I fight do I go psycho. Other than that, I really just don't mind being a peaceful little girl." She smiles and he nods. "I see."

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