Chapter 3

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Scar was still pondering over what had happened so suddenly. He fought a young five year old girl and roughed her up. He was also roughed up sadly. This happened quite recently but not too recently. Maybe about a week ago. He was curently bruised up rather badly and was sitting against a tree.

He heard some yelling and people talking so he stood up and decided to head back to the village to see what was happening. When he arrived, he saw the familiar yellow spiky haired, blue eyed, and whiskered face boy getting pushed onto the floor. This boy was Naruto.

He was mentioned earlier. Now, Scar didn't like seeing what was happening so he walked up to the man that had pushed Naruto and shoves him into the store, making the man collapse into the store and break. With that, people started to murmur and point at what had just happened and he turns toward Naruto and approached him.

Naruto looked up at him and Scar simply sticks his hand out. Naruto looks up at his hand before slowly reaching up to it and taking it. Scar helps him up and he heard someone scream. "Get lost freak!" Scar stopped and looked over at the man who had yelled it. A simple bald headed man.

The man froze when he saw Scar. His eyes had morphed from their silver hue to pitch black. His pupil turned into a white slit as he glared at the man. He growls angrily. "Do you wanna say that again?" The man grunts angrily and goes to punch him but Scar simply grabs the man's wrist and snaps it roughly. The man yells out in pain and Scar pushes him away as well.

"Come on. We're going." He starts to walk away and Naruto followed behind. Naruto stayed a good distance from Scar. Probably afraid of him. He didn't blame Naruto for this. Naruto wore green goggles on his head, a green shirt, and white shorts. "I didn't need your help." He muttered and Scar looks behind "You're welcome. " He continued to walk and Naruto stayed silent. Once they arrive back at Naruto's place, He walks in and he closes the door. Scar didn't have a place to stay so he left the building and started to take a walk on the road. He looked up at the buildings and sighed.

There was nothing to do in this town when there was nobody there. This was kinda the one time he wishes that psychotic girl was here. He walks over to the park and looks at it. It was sand instead of dirt this time. There were swings and a spinning wheel where kids could grab on and, well, get spinned. There was a yellow giant fake turtle that they could take pictures on, a circle gate kind-of thing and a few kids running around here and there.

Scar walks over to one of the green dusty swings and dusts it off a little before sitting down on it. That was when the sun was still up. Skip a few hours and Scar was still sitting but the sun was starting to set. He was about to get up but stopped whenever he heard someone was approaching. He looked next to him to see Zeroko now sitting on the swing, still holding her teddy bear and still in the same blood red dress but she was now more at peace.

"It's you." He said and she nods while looking at the sun. "What are you doing here?" She looks over at him with her peaceful red eyes this time. "Your life sucks." Scar raised an eyebrow at what she said. "What?" She idly starts to swing as she speaks. "I followed you after our fight. To see what you normally did and man was it depressing."

He raises an eyebrow at her but shrugs it off. "Alright then." She giggles and looks back at him. "You fought me and won. But of course, I could have easily beaten you. See, your anger was fueling you that last battle and that was the reason for your clumsiness in battle." She smirked at him and he glares at her.

"Like right now, you are angry at me. You won't get anywhere against me in your current state and those two men that pissed you off. Your angry at them too. Your rage is gonna drive your current actions but I can help you." She grins at him.

He chuckles and shakes his head. "Thanks but no thanks. I don't need the help of a blood thirsty psycho." She immediately zooms onto his lap and grips his shirt roughly before he had time to react. "You are slow when your guard is down. I can easily take off your head right now. Your speed is only impressive during battles."

He pushes her off and she grins. "Just something to keep in mind while fighting other people. Shame. I could have given you a place to stay, food, proper bath. All of it. Just needed to say yes." She shrugs and hops off the swing and starts to walk away but Scar sighs and stops her. "Zeroko. Wait." She stops and turns her head. "Hm?"

"I... guess that at least having a proper place to stay.... would be... nice." She smirks and nods and walks back over to him. "I bet your an adorable little kid when you are clean." He blinks and stands up. "So, do you have the place?" Zeroko smiled rather nice but he knew there was still that psycho in there. "We'll be roommates. I always wake up early so I guess it would be fine considering." He raises an eyebrow. "Considering what?" She giggles and starts to skip away. "Oh nothing." He raised an eyebrow but shakes his head head and simply follows behind the psychotic white haired girl.

Over time, she would help him grow stronger and be able to better control his abilities. Or his demon. He didn't know that he had one but she could tell that he did and that was why she decided to help him to begin with. It's gonna get interesting. They arrive to the house that she told him about which was basically squared and small. Inside, they had the living room and two rooms. One for the bathroom and one for the bedroom. The floor was made of wood like any other house around there. There was a small fridge, a microwave, and a fire place to boil water or whenever it's cold. Along with a stove.

"Make yourself at home. Tomorrow, we will start." She smiles and heads over to her room. Scar sits next to the window and looks outside at the moon.

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