:Chapter 1:

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Third person pov
"Are you done yet" screamed a voice from downstairs.
"five more minutes" said the latter still in bed.
"You're not up YET??" the same female voice shouted coming up the stairs.
"I'm upp" he said rushing to the washroom for a quick shower.
It was a Monday, that means no workers in the house.
He walked down, expecting his sister to go off on him on he needs manage his time better and stuff.
She didn't.
Instead he saw a huge meal on the table, remembering that it was his dad's birthday.
"Happy Birthday appa!!!" Jihyun told his dad.
"Aigoo! Thanks son"
"If you don't wanna end up late, you guys better eat up" Jihye, his sister scolds him.
"And Hyun, I'm leaving you if you don't speed up"
"okay okay, damn"


"Appa make sure to eat your medicines after lunch okay?" Jihye told her dad.
"It's my birthday you know?" Sangwoo protested, "Cut me some slack"
"You don't wanna end up dead on your birthday either, do you?" Jihyun butted in.
"Aissh! This brat!!" his dad said giving him a slap on his arm.
"Are you getting in or not?"
"You already wasting my time" Jihye told asking her brother to get in the car.
"ALLright ! Bye dad love you" Jihyun replied getting in the car after kissing his dad goodbye.

"bye dad" Jihye also waved her dad goodbye.
"You guys have your keys right?"
"You know I won't be home by the time you come back right?"
their dad checked so that they won't be locked outside the house.
"I won't be surprised if Noona has a whole body in that car of hers" Jihyun said trying to piss off his sister.
"Wait! How'd you know?" Jihye replied catching both of them off guard.
"You actually don't have it right?" her dad asked knowing that Jihye was the most unpredictable person in their family.
"Guess we'll never know" Jihye said starting the car.

hey took off from their house with Hyun screaming.
He was the most excited among the both of them to finally move from Daegu to Seoul.
They had to move to due the headquarters of the Daun group changing from Daegu.
Jihye wasn't the happiest with this decision but agreed as she had no other choice.

"Noona I'm playing songs okay?" Jihyun confirmed with his siter.

"Yeah yeah just don't play that rock band of yours"

Oh come on Atleast it's better than your kpop oppas" Hyun said defending his heroes .
"THE only thing they're better at is screaming, dumbass. Remember when the police came over after you played ur music too loud cus they thought someone was getting killed?"  Jihye said defending kpop.
"Oh Please, it's pretty obvious that people that like kpop probably had covid at one point bcuz their taste obviously wasnt working rght." Hyun replied.
"Istg if you f*cking don't wanna get kicked out you are staying quiet for the rest of the ride."Jihye said getting mad at the shit infront of her.
"Try me, bitch"
Anddddd they kept on arguing on the same topic for the rest of the ride.


Jihye parked her car and waiting for Hyun to get out so that she could finish her job here quickly .
"Are you done yet?" she asked getting impatient.
"It's the first day of school, First impression is the best impression you know?" Hyun said while fixing his hair.
"That's it! I'm locking the car" Jihye said getting fed up.

They went out of the parking lot and walked straight into school.
The school...... Well it looked expensive.
And like the ones Jihye had seen in dramas. She was already getting bad bad badd vibes from the appearance. Jihye really didn't like that.
They entered the school with Hyun having a big smile on his face and... Jihye with a stone cold face.
Jihyun could still see the panic on his sister's face. He sighed knowing that his sister was still anxious even after all these years.
'Its been 4 years already' He thought himself.

Jihyun looked at his sister saying "If you're not okay with this you can leave. It's just uncle anyway. "
Jihye looked down and just kept quiet
"We have to meet uncle yeon, so walk faster."
Jihye said trying not to talk about it.
Hyun getting the hint , quietly followed his sister as she led the way.
They walked around tryna find the principal's office, which is their father's only brother.


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