#12 Scorched Earth

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All it takes is on moment for everything for everything to go wrong Joseph Martinez was on top of the world a newlywed and a future WWE World heavyweight championship match against the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar but that might not happen because four days ago Joseph Martinez was ran over it was a media circus with everything going on the question remained will the Hellhounds remain intact with there leader in the hospital. Today is Thursday and for Smackdown and all hands are on deck to make matters worse there was a huge storm over in London with half of the WWE superstars stranded overseas they had to bring in some of the superstars from NXT currently Jacob Levesque aka Jake Helmsley and Malcolm Jacobs aka Malickai were at the Reno County Hospital were Joseph Martinez was at.

Malcolm how is he ?

Stephanie Martinez well both of his legs are broken Three of his ribs Are broken and he has a concussion

She says that with tears in her eyes

Stephanie Martinez shit I'm sorry

Malcolm your fine

Jacob I promise you we will find out who did this

Stephanie Martinez when you find out who did this beat the living shit out of him

Malcolm oh we will.

(They leave)

Both Malcolm and Jacob head back to the hotel to get the rest of there things for Smackdown but there was a unforseen outcome there Car had been stolen so after screaming for half a hour Jacob Levesque aka Jake Helmsley called his girlfriend Ashley Flier aka Charlotte flair who happened to be in Reno so having to wait 40 minutes but Ashley was happy to Pick Jacob and Malcolm up.

A few hours later

When Malcolm and Jacob arrived to the Sap Center in San Jose California they were very suspicious about everyone else in the locker room to add to the already Bad situation Jacob received another letter Already agitated Jacob threw the letter in the Trash in a fit of Rage.

Malcolm mail trouble

Jacob I got another fucking letter did you speak to my dad and Stephanie McMahon god that sounds weird to say

Malcolm I have good news and I have bad news

Jacob oh Jesus Christ what

Malcolm well were facing the New day again but after the BS that happened on Monday it's going to be a street fight

Jacob okay this gets better and better I can't wait to wipe the smug look off there faces.

That was in the main event but as Malcolm was help his Fiance Saraya out with Alice another car tried to run Malcolm over but he was able to get out of the way in time he hugged his Fiance and his neice tightly after that both Saraya and Alice were put into the Authority's for there protection and they have about 10 security guards watching the office so no one could get into the office if they wanted too with all this Rage Malcolm Jacobs a emotional wreck lost and unsure of what to do he sat alone at a catering table he was not alone for Long as he was joined by his mother Amy Dumas aka Lita.

Amy listen son I know your in a bad spot right now but I want you to know your father is working his ass off to figure out what happened to your friend and to you

Malcolm You Guys are the best parents I could ever ask for

Amy despite everything that happened you still think so

Malcolm of course despite everything that has happened the ups and the downs there is no doubt in my mind

Amy that's one of the good qualities about you son no matter how bad you always find a way.

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