Chapter 6

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"So what's up with the kid? He smells like Spider-man but…off." Logan asked as he exited the Avenger's infirmary. As an active member, he'd come with Hank just in case decisions would need to be made.

"Of that I have no doubt, Logan. His genetic profile is almost identical to Spider-man's, except this Y chromosome. That particular Chromosome looks to be engineered." Dr. Henry McCoy was currently looking over the test results shaking his head. "His regenerative capabilities are much greater than I would have expected. Not as extensive as yours, but he has managed to completely heal from the gunshot wound in the few hours he has been here. I would surmise Spider-man has a similar ability but is so rarely injured we never noticed. However, there is evidence that this young man may have been in a program similar to the one that created X-23."

"What? Those bastards tried to weaponize Webhead? Are they insane?" Logan was so shocked he dropped the cigar he had been chewing on.

"It's a possibility. Every bone in his body has been broken several times and fortified with calcium and ceramics. His tendons have been treated with a compound to increase their strength and elasticity. His muscles, including his heart have been treated with a number of chemicals that Weapon X used on you to increase strength and durability." Hank replied with a straight face. It was all he could do to stop himself from growling as he spoke. He had read what had been done to X-23 and evidence was this man had gone through similar. "He is physically as powerful now as Spider-man is. Given that our records show that Spider-man was about two thirds as powerful at age seventeen as he now, this is worrying."

"A little beyond worrying, Hank. I can barely keep ahead of Spider-man now. In a few years, that will not be true anymore." Steve Rogers stepped up. "Ironman collected readings of the area. There was some dimensional fluctuations still lingering but dissipating. It is possible he is not local, at all. How is he faring?"

"During the tests he moaned a few names. Peta, Uncle Mat, Joanne, Marcus, Gary…Obviously loved ones of some sort. He continued to be agitated until Doreen took his hand then he calmed down." Hank shook his head with a slight chuckle at the scowl Logan sent at him. "I asked her to stay with him."

"Good idea. Logan, we are going to need to bring in Emma, Rachel or the Cuckoos for surface scan of his mind. I don't need a rampaging Spider-man in here. I'd ask for SHIELD Psiops, but they'd want to take him into custody." Steve sighed as he thought of just what Maria Hill would do with a weaponized Spider-man. Nick was only marginally better.

"Probably going to be the Cuckoos. Emma is negotiating the purchase of the land surrounding the Institute. Rachel is busy using Cerebra to update our Mutant Database. So that leaves the Corn Children." Logan wasn't happy about that. The girls were a lot like their mother in some respects, but they also were the best he had on hand. "I'll make sure they know not to screw around in there."

Wanda had just seen Rogue off. They had managed to do something in the last few hours that she had once thought impossible. They had rebuilt the bridge that Wanda has accidently nuked out of creation. No, they'd never be the best of friends, but Rogue no longer wanted her dead. ~I'll call that progress.~ Wanda chuckled as she did up the few dishes in the sink. "Maybe my life is looking up." ~Shit! I did not just say that out loud! When I am going to learn?~ Wanda cussed herself out as she realized she had just jinxed herself.

What she saw next clarified just how screwed she was. Walking up to her back door were the two women she most feared talking to at this point: Carol Danvers and Jessica Drew. ~Shit! Shit! Shit! Can't anything be easy?~ She was tempted to hex the back lock so the spare key wouldn't work, but that would buy her only a minute, maybe two. Not to mention piss the two off more than they already appeared to be. ~I'll just have to pray they don't decide to tear me a new one.~ Before Carol could try her key in the lock, Wanda had opened the door. "Had a feeling you two would show up. I have some leftover bacon cinnamon rolls."

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