Suits and dresses

911 36 11

Just a wholesome chapter to enjoy <3



[Paralysis' PoV:

He was picking up Dream after as usual. Dream looks really excited for something. Paralysis just know he'll tell him just as soon as they got home.

"'Lysis, 'Lysis! Thewe's one thing want tell you!"
"Thewe's school dance next week and we have to bwing family!"
"That sounds great! You don't mind if we bring the whole gang right?"
"Nope! Me see them as family too!"
"Then great! We should get ready ready with the clothes. I'll go tell the crew first."

Dream's smile dropped immediately. He looks worried. Paralysis left the room for a bit. He broke the news and they three look excited.

He goes back to the room where Dream was and he was looking something in the computer. He looks happy when he sees it. Nightmare thought it was the dog show (read previous chapter if you don't know).

Once he look at what Dream was looking at he was surprised. It was a dress. Dream covers the screen with his small arms.

"I-it's stupid."
"No it's not. Who told you that?"
"My fwiend and m-my teacha.."

Nightmare then got an idea he whispered the idea to Paralysis. Paralysis grinned at the idea.

  ((The school dance. Date: 22 January 2021 Time: 8:29 am.

[Narrator's PoV:

The day of the school dance. The day for the Bad Sanses and Dream to shine as prince and princesses.

Murder and Dream got that confidence when wearing the dresses. Paralysis is wearing a dress just to make Dream happy while Horror and Killer is wearing suits since they want to be more masculine.

They enter the school. Dream and Murder were ranting to each other on how bad they wanted to be a girl, Paralysis and Nightmare were just listening to them ranting and Horror and Killer are making puns.

People there were shocked. Some people smiles at their pride but some looks disgusted.

Dream is walking around with the confidence in the dress before a kid called him out and laughs at him. Someone even threw a plastic cup at his head.

Paralysis came just right on time. He comforts Dream that was now much more not confident while wearing the dress. Paralysis tries to make Dream get the confidence back.

He bring Dream everywhere to show that not everyone is mean to him. Some people even called Dream a little girl. Exactly what 'he' needs to get his confidence back.

The darker brother know for sure once Dream grow up he'll become a she. Paralysis and Nightmare doesn't mind if they got a girl or a boy.

All they want from Dream is confidence.


Transphobic people cry ab it. This Dream is transfem <3

Nightmare's little brother. (REMAKE!) // JUSTMarsLOLМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя