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Damon enters the ceremony room.

"Bonnie"- he falls down on the floor next to a dying Bonnie. She draws a faint breath- "Hey-Damon"- she gasps faintly looking at him.


"I am so sorry, Bonnie"- Damon says kissing her on the forehead then squeezing her hand slightly. He goes away.

Kai looks smug and somewhat stunned that Damon walked away-

"That's it?! Did he just left you!?The whole point- that this would torture him for a while. You'd think he'd at least flip a coin, heads he picks you tails he picks-"

Damon appears beheading Kai with one strike clean off.

"Heads it is!"- Damon says then swiftly runs to Bonnie- "You thought I was gonna leave you alone, ha?!"- he now bit his wrist feeding her blood smiling cheekily- "I'm not out of nicknames for you yet!"

Damon looked at the wound in the stomach that now healed and yet it left a scar.

"Damn magic!"- he muttered-"here we are once again, B! Just hold on, I know you can make it!"

"Talking to yourself now?!"-Alaric came in the Grill's kitchen or whatever the place looked like. It was their designated meeting place.

"Not in the mood for jokes!"

"Come on, Bonnie has got some witchy strong will. Hey, we talk about the woman who endured solitary confinement before."

"This is different. They are starving her, I know and probably additionally torturing her with magic. I can't imagine the hallucinations she is having."

"You look like you are feeling everything she is feeling?!"-Alaric then said.

"Yeah...I can feel her, all the darkness and the pain, it's ripping me inside"-Damon said.

"And it won't stop till you hold her again!?"-Alaric then concluded.

Damon nodded.

Jeremy then returned.

"Here are some more clean blood bags."- he offered to Damon and Alaric, who now took them.

He then gave them an update of the latest-

"Elijah made contact with Elena. It worked."

"But she is not awake?!"-Damon asked.

"No. Not yet. There is more- Lily and her heretics opened the crypt. Rebekah stopped them from opening the coffin"-Jeremy continued.

"Damn! I should have stopped her"-Damon said now storming out of the Grill.

"Damon!!"-Alaric rushed out of the Grill to stop Damon doing something stupid. But before he could get to him a heretic witch cut Damon's path by subduing him for a moment, but it could not much to Damon as he also carried spelled Original's blood as well as Hope's blood in him rendering them impossible to kill. Alaric now stood next to Damon, who recovered from the magic attack.

"How I wish I could cut your head off!!"-Damon said charging at the heretic witch out of frustration although nothing much came out of the spat except for killing more newly turned vampires that came his way. Alaric couldn't stop him from the killing spree, he returned to Jeremy.

The sun was about to rise and soon they would have to hide from the sun.


Caroline and Enzo now found shelter in Matt's house.

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