Light Up the Dark

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Damon slouched down on the couch. His head was buzzing from the night that was everything but easy.

"Is Caroline going to be all right?"- Bonnie inquired sitting down on the couch herself.

"Yeah. Enzo took her with her."-Damon replied.
They were both quiet for a moment just looking at one another, exhausted. She knew that Damon was hiding the last heavy encounter with Lily and processing the new revelation that Bonnie had the Gemini blood spelled in her.

"The nightmare will end when we kill Lily"- Damon then stated.

Bonnie looked at Damon and he knew by that look that something very painful and serious was coming out. He feared the words she was already communicating to him without uttering the and before she said anything he said-"NO!"
"I can unlink us- I will turn and Elena will wake up!"
"You cannot become one of them... I can't lose YOU!!"- Damon said-"I won't let it. Plus Hope said that there is a weird loophole in the magic in waking up Elena"

Present time

Bonnie's scream brought Rebekah, Caroline and Enzo down to the cellar in a flash. Alaric and Jeremy went out to see if more were lurking around. The two heretic vampires. in the cellar were fought off like nothing, but they could not do anything about the witch that stood there holding Damon having slit his throt open with a tribal dagger.
"How did they get in.???"- Rebekah wondered.
"Just because you have an Original witch helping you, it doesn't mean she is all powerful."
"Not powerful??"- Hope's voice could be heard from behind-"we will see"- and the young witch threw a surge of magic at the heretic throwing her away from Damon, who was now bleeding heavily.
"Let me free so I can go to him!!!"- Bonnie now demanded shouting at Hope.
Hope reluctantly undid the spell that kept Bonnie chained.

As soon as the Original witch released her, Bonnie literally flew over to Damon, putting her hands on his wound. It was strange tht it wasn't healing.
His blue eyes smiled a faint hello happy that she was herself again before they shut down-
"He is bleeding out!!"- Bonnie said in horror-"Help him!!"
"How can that be?!"-Rebekah was puzzled-"he is a vampire?!"
"They have put a poison in the dagger that slit him. Quick, Rebekah feed him your blood!!"- Hope said to the Original, who did as told. Hope then saw that the heretic witch regained consciousness and tried to use her magic to get into the hybrid witch's magic.
"Take Damon out!"- Rebekah said to Elijah, who appeared. Damon's wound was closing, but he was still pretty weak. Elijah looked at Bonnie, whose yellow amber indicated that her humanity was in full flow. The worry in her eyes burnt excruiciating pain.
He now rushed back to Elena at the conservatory, where he told her to stay as it seemed the heretics overrode the protective magic of their shelter.

When he returned to check if she was all right and told her what happenedShe wanted to go and see Bonnie and Damon, but he had to stop her because of her safety.
Elena felt irritate and helpless.

"They are like the Borg!!."-she remarked.
"The Borg?"- Elijah didn't quite understand the meaning of it.
"Aliens -Star-Trek!"-It didn't rang a bell with Elijah, so Elena explained-"my dad loved the show...anyway, the Borg assimilate everyone and become this half-human half-robots with collective mind,..heretics so remind me of them. Ok, what happens now?"

"Hope is young, but very capable."-Elijah said.
"But you are worried.I can see it"
"I am worried about you"- Elujah then said.
"I guess" I am more vulnerable that I have ever been before. This so reminds me of the time you's like weare going back at the beginning of the story."-Elena said.
"I have to keep you safe, yes. I failed on that account back then."
"Things are different now. We have two powerful witches now. Oh, I so want to see Bonnie!! Feel like a princess kept in a golden tower!!"
He understood her frustration.
"Let me check!" - Elijah then said calling Rebekah for an update.

An Original Vampire and A Sleeping BeautyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon