Of monsters and men

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Elijah now swooped over to Elena, who seemed to have passed out. Her heart was beating steady.

Hope looked at Damon and Alaric now-
"Do you know where Bonnie is?"-Damon urged her to tell him.
"Yes"-Hope confirmed-"at the. Mystic Falls old Mill."

As she said that Damon and Stefan took off, followed by Caroline and Enzo as back up.

Elijah tried to wake Elena up, but it seemed she slipped away in the sleep state again. He wanted to feed her his blood thinking it had to do with the loss of blood during the ritual,but Hope had stopped him.

"Something happened."- she then said to the people standing waiting to see what would happen next.

"What, tell us.- Rebekah urged her.

"I felt...huh... I saw, Bonnie taking her life at the exact moment the magic broke the link."- Hope finished-"and I saw their spirits connecting"
"What do you mean?"-Elijah asked fantically and before Hope could answer the Heretic witch-vampires having found them now charged in a attack. Elijah took Elena away. Rebekah, Alaric, Jeremy and Hope now engaged in the scruff.

In the limbo, Bonnie now found Elena at the Wickery Bridge.

The two women hugged one another warmly before saying anything.

"What is this place? Why are we here? How come you are here?"- Bonnie piled  questions one after the other.
"This is some magical limbo"-Elena said and then explained what Hope had done trying to unlink them and all what had happened before the ritual especially about Elijah waking her up.
Bonnie then shared her last minutes before the unlinking.

"Hope and I figured things out, but it didn't look like it was going to work... everything else we tried for years had always led us to another magical gordian knot. And then..."-Bonnie went quiet and looked at Elena a she knew that it was about Damon.
"Hey, I think we are now beyond the super emotional mess... and I was goung to leave him..."-Elena said.
"I still felt guilty... although it's stupid...and on the day when we decided to lay you in the crypt I created this magic for everyone to have their best moment with you, an illusion that was actually in their heads..."- Bonnie now explained what she had done.

"I know... Damon told me"

"Yeah"-Bonnie said-"everything got so mixed up...I just wanted to do things right...and it all got much worse..."
"You have always wanted to fix everything for us, since we were little girls...you have always been dependable, the mature one. And I don't know how to thank you"
"Thank me?? Elena.."
"Come on, cut yourself some slack...hey, and it's ok if you fell for Damon, noone is going ro judge you, at least not me...with my track record."-Elena now chuckled a little.
Bonnie's eyes watered now and utrered smiling funnily as if the fact of her feelungs for Damon had  just dawned on her-
"I am in love with Damon Salvatore!!"
She looked at her friend and Elena now noded supportively and said in a teasing manner-
"Much crazier things have happened!"
"Oh, yeah."-Bonnie uttered thinking of all that had happened the last thirty years or so.
"I have never told you that Elijah kissed me when we were in Willoughby?!"-Elena then said.
"What?? Seriously?"
"Aha. When I played being Katherine meeting EM..."
"So, he was kissing Katherine?!-Bonnie said.
"He knew it was me from the beginning."- Elena said with a little smile remembering the moment she guarded in her heart like a little treasure.

"Yeah, you could never lie or pretend...not really. I never really get why you two were playing this game?!"-Bonnie then retorted.

Elena sighed a little. It was obvious that Bonnie knew that there was so much more to her and Elijah than she let out.

"He pulled away... and I was not going to run after him...stupid! Huh..."
"The classic boy doesn't admit his feelings and the girl is hurt by him and so transfers her feelings on someone else."
"And Stefan and Damon were there."-Elena then said-"and that was so wrong...I played them the same as Katherine did."

"Ahhhhh!"-all of a sudden Bonnie bowed down crying out as she felt a sharp pain in her guts.

"Bonnie???!!!"-Elena then slouched down to see what was wrong with her friend.
"Elena..."- she heard Elijah's voice behind her.
"Bonnie.."-Damon's voice could be heard as well.
Blood was now gulping out of Bonnie's mouth and Elena could see her vamping out.
And then all was black again.

In Fell's Church, Elijah was sitting next to Elena holding her hand as she woke up looking slightly lost but soon realized where she was.

"You scared me"-he then said-"I thought I lost you again.
"I was with Bonnie... in the limbo...she turned."- Elena said sadly.

"I am sorry"- Elijah uttered.

Elena sat up and then added- "I hope we didn't lose her completely. What if we came late?"

Elijah now embraced Elena who after such a long time, felt like she was finally home.

In the Old Mill, some moments before

Damon called out Bonnie, holding her undead body that also seemed to be in a sleeping state. But unlike Elena, her awakening was violent and she now bit into Damon, her fangs digging deep into his neck. Stefan, who was now not far, managed to get Bonnie off of Damon, snaped her neck.

Damon looked in disbelief at what had just happened. 

Then Lily came in looking at her sons.

"And she is now one of us."- Lily said.

"She will never be anything like you!!!!"- Damon stood up shouting at Lily.

"Let her be!!"- Stefan said- "take Bonnie and go!"- Stefan said to his brother.

Caroline and Enzo now came to the room wanting to informed them that they had killed the last of the vampire gurads, but that more were coming.

"GOO!!!"- Stefan said to them.

"She is not worth it, Stefan!"- Caroline said. Everyone present saw the look in Stefan's eyes and it looked like the ripper was to be awaken in him.

"I said- LEAVE!!"- Stefan snarled at them.

Damon took Bonnie and together with Caroline and Enzo left the building. 

Oh lights go down
In the moment we're lost and found
I just wanna be by your side
If these wings could fly
Oh damn these walls
In the moment we're ten feet tall
And how you told me after it all
We'd remember tonight
For the rest of our lives



2011 - not long after the Mikaelson Ball

Elena opened a book called "Monsters of Men". She read the parts she had underlined earlier-

"It's not how we fall, but how we get back up again."


"It's not the mistakes I made, but how I responded to them.


"Viola?" he says.

And I turn to look at him -
And when I do, I can hear everything he's thinking.
Clearer than before, clearer than seems possible -
And I'm not even sure I'm supposed to, but I look him in the eyes and I see it -
In the middle of everything he's feeling -
Even after we fought -
Even after I doubted him -
Even after I hurt him -

I see how much he loves me."

Elena now thought of Elijah.

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