Shadow and Swat Yellow

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( It has been a couple of weeks since the battle for the jewelry store. Since then,  the team has been training to strengthen themselves.  While the team trained,  Krugger had come through the portal to help prepare Jake and Zoe and refine their sword skills. " Arcee even challenged him to a sword dual while the rest of team prime, Windblade, Causeway, and  Elita watch. In the end, Arcee lost the match and took her defeat as a learning curve in order to improve herself. She joined in on the sword training along with Jake and Zoe. Word had even gotten out that Ethan and his group had attacked the Decepticons. They had weakend Megatron's forces to the point where it was just Megatron, Dreadwing, knockout, Breakdown, Soundwave,  Airachnid, and two hand fulls of Decepticon drones) 

" ( Clashes blades with Arcee before spinning around her and back kicking her away before leaning out of the way of a sword swing from Zoe). Good you two, you're getting better with your form. ( Backflips to dodge a swing from  Jake and then clashes him and Arcee). Very good Jake, had not been for my years of training. You might have hit me. (  Jumps back and then sheats his sword). Class dismissed." Said Krugger with Jake, Zoe, and Arcee responding by yelling  ' Yes sir'  before watching them leave the room.

" ( Walks down the hall with  Zoe and  Arcee). I'm telling you guys,  this team is going to go far the more we learn how to work as a team. Though it was fun to see you lose that dual Arcee." Said  Jake as  Arcee locks him into a headlock and rakes her opened fist on his head. "  I'm sure it was Jake, though if you don't mind me asking but. What happens once your job is done? Will you guys go home or will you two be staying here?" Asked Arcee. " We'll have to return to our own timeline once the job is done.  It's standard procedure, along with something else Said  Zoe as  Jake breaks free from  Arcee. " What other thing  Zoe,  what else could there be besides that?" Asked Arcee until they hear the alert alarm go off and then run to the control center.

" What's the problem Windblade? Is  Ethan at it again?" Asked  Zoe. " More than that,  he's unleashed a couple more of the prisoners that he took with him through his jump to this timeline. Ringnah, Stench, and Thresher are causing havoc while a robot is terrorizing a town." Said  Windblade as she brings up an image of the robot.

" Said  Windblade as she brings up an image of the robot

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" I wonder what his plan is this time. ( Looks at his team along with  Z and Krugger). Miko, Raf,  you, and Zoe deal with the three criminals. Untie Z, Uncle Krugger,  go with them. I have a feeling that it won't just be those three that are there. Arcee,  you're with me,  we're gonna take the delta zord and handle that robot." Said  Jake as he listed to his team and family respond by saying 'RIGHT' before they all left to get to their respective locations.

(Once  Zoe's group arrived at their given location they immediately have to roll out of the way as five lase bolts are launched at them)

" ( Looks at who attacked them to see five people rather than three).  Looks like Jake was right, you three didn't come alone." Said  Zoe as she, Miko, and  Raf  look watched as Itheor and Morgana walked next to Ringah's group." That's right ranger. Now I get to take a second crack at   breaking that dog's spirit." Said Icthior as he and  Morgana charged at  Zoe's group only for them to get knocked back by an explosion from laser bolts to the ground as both groups looked up to see  Krugger in his shadow ranger mode while  Z is in her Yellow SWAT ranger outfit.

" You want another chance at me Icthior, then here's your chance. " Said Krugger as he readies his shadow saber. " ( Looks at  Morgana). Nice to see you again. Did you get turned back into a kid the last time we saw you Mora? What you didn't get enough beating from when we last met." Said Z as she readies her Delta enforcer. " Go to see you again as well ranger. I can't wait to pay you back." Said Morgana as she attacked  Z while  Icthior attacked Krugger.

" ( Watches her mother fight  Morgana and then gets back onto her feet). Come on guys,  we gotta do our part as well." Said  Zoe as she, Miko, and Raf attacked  Ringah, Stench, and thresher.

( Over with Jake and Arcee)

" (This thing's tough,  be careful Arcee. We need to be causes of its claws." Said  Jake as they controlled the  Megazord to dodge a claw slash from the robot. "Let's get rid of its toys Jake. (  Moves the megazord out of the way of the lasers that the claw bot was shooting at them). Let's see how he likes it." Said  Arcee as the Megazord shoots at the Robot before activating the megazord's zord.

(Over with Zoe's group)

" ( Blast Ringnah to the ground and then pulls out her SPD morpher while Miko and  Raf do the same with  Stench and Thresher ). You three are going back to your containment cells.  ( Looks at  Stench and  Thresher). I don't know what made you two think that you'd escape for the stunt that you two pulled. ( Looks at  Miko and nods her head before looking back at Ringah).  Rember, crime doesn't pay." Said Zoe as she, Miko, and  Raf activated containment mode and trapped  Ringnah, Stench, and Thresher in their containment cards. "  That takes care of those three. ( Looks up to see the Megazord clashing claw and sword).  Hang in there you two,  we're almost done. ( Looks at  Miko and  Raf). You two go help  Krugger but keep your distance. I'll go help my mom." Said Zoe as she ran to help  Z while Miko and Raf ran to help Krugger

" (Clashes blades with Icthior). You are going back to your containment cell Icthior. I will not allow you to hurt anyone else like you did my team." Said  Krugger as he slashed  Icthior across the cheast and knocked him away. " I've improved since the last time we meet  Doggy. ( Holds his sword wide ways). Ocean saber, active." Said  Icthor until he is interrupted by two laser blasts that hit him in the cheast and knocked him down. " ( looks at  Kruggr after running up to him). Sorry to drop in sir,  Zoe told us to help you out. ( Looks at  Icthior). As for you,  we learned about what happened the last time you attacked  SPD. You have no right to wield a sword like that. ( Shots the sword out of Icthors hand and then watches it land twenty feet from them). I'm sure someone else would be better suited for that sword." Said  Miko as she and  Raf aimed their strikers at  Icthior.

" ( Looks at  Krugger). He's all yours, sir. " Said Raf as he looked at Icthior. " ( Nods at  Miko and Raf). Thanks rangers,  you'd make a fine addition to  SPD. ( Looks at  Icthor while powering up his shadow saber). Fare well Icthior,  may you never endanger or hurt anyone else ever again. ( Twirls his sword in a circle, and then as energy begins to cover the blade). Fare well Icthior,  HEYA!" Said  Krugger as he swong his energy-covered sword at  Icthior and watched as it struck him down before encasing him in a containment card. " (  Picks up the containment card with  Icthior inside of it). That's one less person to deal with. ( Walks over to  Krugger and hands him the Containment card as  Icthior swears revenge from inside it). You  victory, your card sir." Said  Miko as she handed him the card." Thank you Miko,  now let's go help Z and Zoe.  Jake and  Arcee may not be able to occupy the  robot for long." Said Kruggr as they ran to join  Z and Zoe.

"( Blacks a sword swong from  Zoe and then jumps back to dodge a laser blast from Z). I must say ranger,  the young one seems to be giving me more trouble than you did when we first met." Said Morgana. " Ya well, she learned from me after my fight with you the first couple of times. ( Hears something crash and looks to her left to see the  Megazord knock the claw robot down). Nice work Jake. If only Jack could see you now. ( Looks over at  Morgana). You're going back where you belong  Mora." Said  Z as she and  Zoe aim their blasters at  Morgana." ( Watches the  Robot fall and looks to her  Right to see Krugger, Miko,  and Raf run over to them). another time perhaps. Ta-ta for now." Said  Morgana as she jumped into the sky and far away from the battlefield. " We'll be waiting, Mora." Said  Zoe as she looked up to watch as the Megazord destroyed the claw robot. 

" Well done rangers,  this was a grand victory today." Said Krugger. " ( Looks at the card in his hands and notices that Icthior was inside). I see that you guys caught Icthior. That's great,  now we just need to capture  Ethan and any other villain that he has with him." Said  Z. " Indeed  Z,  for now though. ( Looks to his right as  Jake and Arcee land next to them). Let's home team." Said Krugger as everyone responded by saying 'YES SIR.

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