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( It has been a couple of days since the final battle and it is time for  Jake, and  Zoe's family and friends to go back to their time)

" ( Walks around now back in her cybertronian body). I'm going to miss being a human. It was actually pretty fun." Said Arce as she walked over to the rest of team prime as they, Miko and Raf bid farewell to  Jake, Zoe, B-squad, Krugger, Kat, Elita, Windblde, and Causeway. " Will we ever see you guys again? It was a blast fighting alongside you." Said  Miko as she and Raf handed jat their morphers since Arcee had already returned hers. " Sadly, that's not possible  Miko. Once we leave, you guys will have no memory of us ever meeting you. Any memory of  Your life with Jake and  Zoe will also be decreased as if you would have never met them." Said  Z. " (Looks at  Causeway and Elita). Causeway, Elita. May I have a word with you for a moment?" Asked Optimus as he, Elita, and Causeway walked away from the group. 

" It was fun while it lasted though,  I got to see so high flying stuff that I'd never thought humanly possible." Said Bulkhead. " ( Looks at Windblade). Tell  Red alert and  Minerva that I said thanks for fixing my voice. I'll be sure to make sure that nothing like what happened to me ever happens again." Said  Bumblebee." Don't sweat it Bee. You deserve it after everything that you've been through. Good look Lieutentant." Said  Windblade as she entered the portal that was behind her group.  " Did she just call you a lieutenant? Did she really just call you that?" Asked  Miko. As  Krugger, Kat, Bridge, and Syde went through the portal.

" Best not to look so close into it  Miko. Besides, that was just her way of wishing him luck." Said  Sky. "Yeah,  and besides. From what  Jake's told us,  Bee's going to be a great Autobot someday." Said  Z. "( Kneels in front of  Jake). I'm gonna miss you partner. We had some good rides along the way." Said Arcee. "That we did and I had fun with every one of them." Said Jake.

( Over with Optimus)

" ( Looks at Causeway). I wanted to ask about your build. It looks very similar to mine in ways that I do not understand." Said Optimus. "Let's just say that you were an inspiring role model for me growing up.  So much so that I changed my form to match yours just a tad." Said  Causeway. " In more ways than she would care to admit Orion." Said Elita. " Don't start with me on that. Anyway, it was an honor to fight alongside you Optimus. And it's something that I will never forget." Said  Causeway as they walked back to the group.

" (Walks toward the portal with  Z and Sky). It was a pleasure to fight alongside team prime and we know that you will do great things." Said  Jack as he, Z,  and Sky walked through the portal with Elita. " ( Looks at Optimus and  Arcee). Farewell father,  Untie Arcee. May you live a prosperous cycle." Said  Causeway as she walked through the portal. " Bye untie Arcee, Uncle Optimus it's been fun." Said Jake. " It was nice to get to know you." Said  Zoe as she and Jake walked through the portal s it then closed once they were through while dropping something on the ground before they walked through.

" Did they just call me untie Arcee? ( Looks at  Optimus).  Causeway even called you...  She's you and Elita's daughter. Which means she s my niece. As for Jake and Zoe, I hope to one day see those two again and I'm ok with them calling me Untie." Said Arcee as the object that Zoe had dropped activates and erases everyone's memory of their life with SPD. Well  Everyone but  Are and  Optimus due to their shared bond through time with  Jake, Zoe and  Causeway. 

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