Dad Comes to Help

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(It's been a couple of weeks since the fight with  Morgana and Icthior.  Since then the team has been helping the command center with keeping Ethan's crybots from endangering the city of  Jasper Nevada)

( Over in the future)

" ( Watches the video of  Jake's team's first two battles and then watches the previous battle).  He's doing a great job.  I'm impressed at how well he's grown accustomed to leading a team." Said Jack. " You'll have plenty of time to tell him that yourself. ( Activates the portal across from her). It's your turn to join them. ( Hold up a red spd morpher with the letters spd in black). This is your swat morpher. Z has a similar one but as this but the color is yellow." Said  Kat as Jack walked to the portal but then stops. " Will the others be joining us in the past?" Asked Jack. " The others will join you soon. I had received word that the A-squad were among the prisoners that Ethan took with him." Said Kat." ( sighs in disappointment before turning to look at Kat). It seems like Ethan will have to be brought in like any other criminal." Said  Jack as he walked through the portal. " It seems that way Jack.  The only question is whether or not you or  Jake will be able to do what must be done." Said Kat as she closed the portal once Jack walked through it. 

( Over in the past)

" ( Walks out of the portal and then spots  Krugger and Z waiting for him by the control consul). It's good to see you guys again. Though I'm upset that you left me out of the party." Said Jack. " Sorry brother, we just wanted to make sure that everything was ready for when we get the team back together." Said Z. " ( Walks up to the three of them). That and we found someone that we know would want to have a rematch with you Commander Landers." Said June as she pulled up an image of someone that Jack knew all to well.

( Sinuku)

" How many criminals did Ethan take with him?" Asked Jack

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" How many criminals did Ethan take with him?" Asked Jack. " Well from what  Kat was able to tell us. Twenty prisoners are missing,  from their containment if we include the A-Squad.  So far,  we've only been able to recapture five of them." Said  June as  Elita walked over to them. "   The plan is for Jake's team to deal with the lesser criminals while your group and  Krugger handle the A-Squad. Krugger can deal with Broadwing." Said Elita. " What about Slipstream and  Shatter? What will be done about them?" Asked  Z. " Those two will either be captured like the rest or offlined permanently. They've caused to much trouble in the future.  So if need be and we have no choice but to offline them. Then we will do so." Said  Causeway as she watched Jake's team run by them once the alert concerning criminal activity in Jasper.  

" ( Watches Jake's team run to their vehicles before looking at Z). I think it's best if we headed out as well Z. ( Looks at  Elita). You wanna come with us? I have a feeling that one of them will be with him." Said Jack as he, Z, and Elita ran to the hanger bay,  not knowing that windblade and  Causeway had followed right behind them.

 ( Twenty minutes later,  While Jake's team goes to deal with Martial master  Bork, Ethan, and a couple of crybots)

" ( Looks around through Elita's driver-side window). So far things seem to be clear for now. ( SPots something up on one of the buildings thirty feet away). Elita stop, quickly." Said  Jack as he and  Z felt Elita stop. "What's wrong  Jack,  did you see something?" Asked Z. " Sure did,  I spotted something purple up on the building over there. Too much purple to be exact. Which means the other one may not be far behind. " ( Looks around and spots a red  Mustage with the same decal as  Shatters). Your right,   I can see Shatter right over there. Elita,  turn left here and do it casually as you can without alerting them." Said  Z as Elita drove right at a casual pace to not alert their two attacks. "  ( Whispers as top only be heard by Jack and  Z). You two should ranger up, Airachnids here as well which means we're about to have a four v five.  I spotted  Windblade and  Causeway following us as we arrived here. So we'll be covered." Said  Elita as she then suddenly stopped in order to dodge  Shatter who had smashed through the wall to  Elita's right.

" ( Looks down at the pink sports car in front of her). Well well,  if it isn't the pain in my tailpipe Elita-one.  I'm gonna enjoy this.  ( Watches as the pink car quickly reverses and then drives backward in order to get away from her). You're not getting away Elita. I'm finishing you right here" Said Shatter until she hears the sound of a truck and turns to her left only to be rammed into by a red and silver semi-truck. " That's what you had said last time and I took you down. ( Transforms into her robot mode). You didn't think we wouldn't know that this was a trap now did you?" Said Causeway as she activated her battle mask. " Yet you're the only one to show up  Causeway.  So I'd say that we still have." Said  Shatter until she hears something crash and looks to her right to see  Windblade crash through the wall tackling Slipstream. " ( Looks in the same direction as  Shatter before looking back at her). You were saying Shatter? Besides we knew you two would try something like this since Airachnid is in this timeline and not an Autobot in ours.  I mean She did find out that you two were the ones to offline her sparkmate. Something that she acquired thanks to Jake and Zoe." Said  Causeway as they hear a loud WHAT before looking behind them to see  Airachnid standing behind them.

"( Glares at  Slipstream and  Shatter). You two were the reason why I lost my lover and not the Autobots. I trust both of you, I even considered you two my sisters of war.  ( Grits her teeth and then turns around with her back to them before sighing).  Do with them as you wish Windblade, I'll wait to settle my fight with Arcee." Said  Airachnid as she transformed into her helicopter mode and flew off.  " ( Looks at  Slipstream and Shatter). Looks like it's just you and us  you two." Said Causeway as she and  Windblade attacked Shatter and  Slipstream.

( Over with Jack and Z) 

" ( Fires his delta enforcer at  Sinuku while running).  Give it up  Sinuku,  we're bringing you in like we did before." said  Jack as he and  Z blasted at Sinuku. " You may have defeated me the last time we met. This time you will not capture me." Said Sinuku as he runs away while either blocking the laser bolts or dodging them. " Hey Jack,  check this out. It's something that I learned from our kids. ( Shoots two laser bolts mirror to her left and watches as it bounces off a couple more mirrors before hitting  Sinuku in the back and knocking him to the ground).   It's a nice little trick that keeps them guessing. ( Walks over to  Sinuku and hits him with a containment field as he is trapped inside a containment card). That will take care of you from now on." Said  Z as  Winblade and Causeway walked over to her and Jack.

" ( Holds up two containment cards with  Slipstream and Shatter in each of them).   Looks like our job is nearly over. All that's left Is to capture Ethan." Said  Windblade as  Elita and  Causeway transform into their vehicle modes. "Let's head back to base. Strongarm just contacted me and informed me that the rest of  B-Squad has just arrived. This fight is finally nearing its end." Said  Elita." Right, let's head on back guys. Our job is down here,  next stop  Ethan.

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