Project: Inferno

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- 18 - 5 - 2020 -

- EGO Headquarters - Sapporo - Japan -

The time was 2:15 PM and a woman wearing a professional skirt, button up white T-shirt and holding a neutral expression was seated outside of an office, waiting for her meeting, holding a brown leather briefcase.

The door to the office opened, and a man walked out looking dejected, he turned to the woman with a depressive expression.

"He's not in the best of moods, wishing you good luck wont save you" He nihilistically stated before leaving to get back to work.

The woman stood up, swallowed her nerves and entered. She was greeted with the sight of a smart looking Japanese man, mid 50's with smart glasses. Everything in the office was perfectly organised, he was the boss. He had slicked back white hair, but white by choice, not by old age.

"Good evening sir" She politely greeted.

"Make it quick, Miss Lee, we don't have much time and I have many different potential clients to see" The boss said.

Ms Lee opened her briefcase to reveal a laptop, plugging it in to a cable that projected a presentation on the large TV behind her. On the screen appeared seven passport photos, each of them an equal part of Project: Inferno. 

"Please explain" The man coaxed her on, intrigued.

"Lets start chronologically" Ms Lee began and she selected the first 'Agent'.

-Oslo - Norway-

The time was 4: 57 AM as a crate of fish crashed and a tall, bulky man wiped the sweat from his face. He checked the time and saw it was nearly his first break of the day, having already been up since 2 AM.

In the break room, he poured himself coffee while all of his other co workers were off doing their business, the door opened, sending a cold chill into the insulated room, and Ms Lee walked in, carrying her briefcase.

"Hugo Stein?" She asked, although she definitely knew the answer.

"Do I know you?" Hugo asked, face filled with leftover Chinese food.

"No. But I know you." Ms Lee began. "Joined the Navy at eighteen, dishonourable discharge for stealing food from the kitchens, started work for a sushi restaurant, got fired for eating the sushi, fast forward a couple of years, and a couple failed jobs in the food industry, and you now work for a fish company, of which you routinely steal food and money from."

Hugo rose to his feet, being a foreboding six foot five against Ms Lee's whole foot shorter body, but she stayed still.

"How do you know this? Here to arrest me?" Hugo asked.

"Anything but Mr Stein" Ms Lee interjected. "I work for a company, who could use your type of skills"

"Skills? Other than eating, I can't say I have many skills" Hugo said, sitting down. "Not interested"

"Military training? Knowledge of export routes, large body mass, your practically a wall. And the fact you've stolen from your work doesn't deter us, if anything it shows your cunning, something we admire" Ms Lee explained, sitting across from her.

"And what does this 'company' do?" Hugo asked, continuing to eat.

"Lets just say we work in business, consider it, we have lots to offer" Ms Lee stated.

"Offer? Like what?" Hugo asked, entertained.

"For starters, at our bases we have Michelin star chefs, as well as all the food you could want. The money is also a benefit" Ms Lee said, taking out her phone to scroll through a few pictures of proof.

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