The Envy Files

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- EGO Headquarters - Sapporo - Japan -


It was incredibly early in the morning, but that didn't stop the Agent walking down the halls, the footsteps on his shiny brown shoes echoing through the empty hallway.

The lights were still on because it was too early in the morning for any sunlight to of appeared, the Agent fixed his tie, which was a dark forest green, whilst smoothening out his teal green long sleeved button up shirt that was tucked into his black trousers.

He'd gone through a lot, having the hole in his leg to prove it, but he knew the risks, and he definitely would rather it be him than someone like his sister. 

He'd come back from a relatively successful mission, in which he stood by for the most part while his sister mowed down everyone in sight. He had been informed that he would have to partake in a survey, being scheduled for the earliest appointment.

The Agent opened the door, seeing a man with scruffy brown hair and pair of glasses walk in, he was in his mid 40's but looked quite good for his age. He stood relatively tall, but had a hunch that made him look similar in height to the Agent.

"Please take a seat" The man offered, gesturing to a chair.

The Agent looked towards a chair with a black wooden table in front of it, with a green background behind it, the Agent obeyed his orders, sitting down. The man didn't have a badge, indicating that he wasn't an agent.

"Good evening Agent, my name is Mr Rockwell" he introduced himself. "We need you to answer a few questions...if that's okay with you"

"Yes, ask away" The Agent accepted. Rockwell clicked the camera, beginning the document.

"Name" Rockwell said monotonously.

"Sergio Telmo" Sergio said, looking at the camera.

He sat in a classy and restricted way, with both his arms resting on the chair, he had one leg thrown over the other and he leant back.

"Birthday" Rockwell ordered the response.

"The fifteenth of July 1994" Sergio replied.

"Agent name and callsign" Rockwell asked, seeming bored already.

"Agent Envy. Snake" Sergio replied with composure.

"And with that, we can move onto larger questions" Rockwell said, flipping to the next page on his clipboard.

"Such as?" Sergio asked, intrigued.

"How many people have you killed?" Rockwell asked, having a hint of glare in his eyes.

"59" Sergio replied, he was around the middle of the group in terms of kills.

"It doesn't say 59 on the leader board, I suggest you stop lying" Rockwell ordered, scowling at Sergio.

"You asked me how many people I've killed, you didn't specify on active duty at EGO" Sergio raised, smirking to himself.

"Fine...How many people have you killed on active duty" Rockwell sighed.

"33" Sergio said quickly, it was a ranking he was quite impressed with, despite only being 4th out of the 7 Agents.

"What is your typical job on a mission?" Rockwell asked, as Sergio thought for a moment.

"Whatever the team needs really, I mostly just act as support to the primary Agent, I'm trained in first aid as well" Sergio said, normally he was a jack of all trades in the missions.

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