Project: Antibiotic

821 35 9

-EGO Compound 81 - Spain-

-5 AM-

Calming music played from a blue convertible as it pulled into a parking lot, two people stepping out, equally tired.

"What do recon the next missions gonna be?" You asked Allison, ready to sleep for the next week.

"Who knows, and at this point I'm to tired to think" Allison sighed, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

The parking lot was almost empty, aside from a few cars here and there, such as an orange pickup truck, a green Sudan and a yellow Lamborghini.

The two walked through the front door, the grey walls and grey carpet looking particularly boring, they expected the halls to be empty, and they were, except for a silhouette standing in the hallway.

"Ms Lee needs to speak to us...says its about the attacks" The slightly raspy voice of Sergio informed the two.

"I'm too tired for this shit man" Allison swore as she followed Sergio, with you close behind.

Sergio led you into the meeting room, where most people wore their pyjamas, except for Raphael, who wore designer clothes.

"Okay, we're all here now, so out with it" Raphael ordered. "I need my beauty sleep"

"Apologies for the early interruption, but it was only time we could safely have this meeting" Ms Lee said, sounding slightly more pissed off than usual.

"Did we do something wrong?" Hugo asked innocently.

"Not you...everyone in this room was attacked by an enhanced individual...even me" Ms Lee stated.

"You fought off one of those beasts?" Shun said in disbelief. "The guy went all Terminator on us"

"Yeah well...he underestimated me" Ms Lee brushed off. "But that's only part of the reason you're here"

Ms Lee clicked a remote, an image of a scruffy looking man appeared, with three other mugshots appearing below it, you recognised the smaller one as the man who attacked you and Jenna.

"This is Akira Park, otherwise known as the Doctor" Ms Lee introduced. "Ex military doctor, and previously worked for the Japanese government as their chief scientist" 

"That's the asshole that attacked us in Ireland" Olivia pointed out another mugshot.

"These three men are Jack Hawke, Martin May and Paul O'Neil...fairly unassuming young men, you'd pass them on the street and think nothing of it..." Ms Lee began.

"Yeah, then they throw you through a table" Sergio butted in, obviously annoyed.

"They would be normal...if they didn't all go missing a year ago...then a few months later they become a part of the Scorpions...a group of Agents just like us, except handled by the Doctor" Ms Lee said, flipping her slide to three empty vials.

"These vials contained what the Doctor spent his life working on, a type of serum that when injected, would give the victim enhanced abilities" Ms Lee said, with Hugo putting his hand up.

"Like Captain America?" Hugo asked, to be met with a momentary silence.

"Uh...I suppose so" Ms Lee said in confusion.

"But we've killed them what's the issue?" Sergio asked.

"The Doctors serum was very expensive, he put all his budget into making them, he ended up injecting the three with the serum...but he didn't make three vials...he made ten" Ms Lee said, an ominous wind circling the team.

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