The Battle against the Queen

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"Dobreva we need to talk." Flint said.

"What up coach?" I asked.

"I'm going to have to cut you from the team." Flint said.

"Good joke.  Here's the deal Flint first there isn't even a season this year.  Second, you were coach but this team was never yours.  And now that you've shown your hand you're off the team.  No longer coach or a team member.  Too bad, so sad.  Literally every player is one of my people.  Our seeker is Reggie.  You already know how he feels about me.  The beaters?  One's my brother and the other is my best friend.  The chasers?  Other than me there's my girl Ginny and my other brother Theo.  That's the team.  My people.  You should have thought that through.  Now you don't get to finish your Hogwarts time as a player.  I told you if you came for me I'd take your hand.  But it's my cousin you now have to worry about.  Good luck with that." I said with a wave of my fingers.

"You ready for Offensive Dueling 101?" Reggie asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist protectively. 

As we walked away I heard Tom asking Flint if he wanted to meet a basilisk and I smirked.

"Yeah, let's go see what Barty Jr has in store for us." I said.

"Are you sure it's one of my previous best friends masquerading as Moody?" Reggie asked.

"Our family seers have yet to be wrong.  So yeah, I think it's him." I answered.

"Hey Nev did your grandma listen to you and get you a new wand?  Or do you need an adult to bring it up to her?" I asked as we entered the class.

"I tried asking and couldn't get her to listen." Neville answered quietly.

"I'll let my dad know.  I bet by Christmas you'll have a wand of your own." I said with a warm smile at the timid boy.

The previous school year I'd gotten to know Neville better.  I knew his grandmother was a huge motivator for his timidness not that he'd admit it or even sees it.  But she puts him down a lot for not measuring up to his father.  Forces him to use his father's wand which is why his magic is wonky and feeds his belief in not being good enough.  He needs a wand that is his wand.  I'd been working on it with him.

"Regulus?!" An incredulous voice asked.

I looked up from my seat next to Reggie to see a shocked Moody.

"I guess you were right." Reggie whispered to me.

"Do I know you?" Reggie asked fake Moody.

Moody stumbled forward and grabbed Reggie's arm and pushed the sleeve back as everyone was gasping.  I could see Gryffindor eyes expecting the black mark that wasn't there.  Moody stared flabbergasted at the missing mark.  He grabbed Reggie's other arm and pushed back that sleeve too.

"How?" Moody asked.

"I don't know who you are but this is wildly inappropriate." Reggie hissed at the imposter.

"You should perhaps remember who you are, sir." I said innocently.

Bardy stepped (Barty/Moody is now dubbed as Bardy by me in my mind) back and to the front.

"Right.  My apologies.  I'm still shaken up from the attack on my person.  Before we begin to learn spells for fighting I want to teach you the curses you won't learn in defense.  How can you protect yourselves from them if you don't recognize the wand movements?  The death eaters are so well versed in them they can do these curses wordlessly.  Which is why it's important to recognize them if you want to have hope against them.  Who can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" Bardy asked.

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