Ep4. status

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Before Nagzz even realised it, he was being led out of the village along a small dirt path through the trees. Still unable to keep his eyes off Ceader, it occurred to him that he hadn't said a word to the beautiful woman. Gathering a little confidence he decided to try his luck.

"So how did you end up in that village?" He asked casually, aware that most women are fed up with cheesy pickup lines, and that he can't come up with anything witty.

"I was born there, been there my whole life." She answered simply.

"I see...Do you leave the village often?"

"Every month or so for supplies. We can't get everything we need from the village, so my job is essential."


"ARGH!" Nagzz screamed.

Finally looking beyond Ceader, Nagzz saw a small boy standing just behind a usirnozz while facing off a huge bear.

"Usirnozz use tackle!" The boy yelled, listening to his command the usirnozz charged forward ramming its small body into the bear's foot. The bear moved slightly in response, but didn't seem to be even slightly bothered by the attack. The usirnozz backed away standing infront of the boy once again.

"Great job Usirnozz!" The boy jumped up and down excitedly.

"Usirnozz" It snorted happily.

The bear, for whatever reason, just sat there waiting for their little interaction to end. Seeing that it was over, the bear raised its paw and simply batted the usirnozz away, before returning to just sitting there and staring.

"A Critical hit?! Nooo! My poor Usirnozz!" The boy cried cuddling the disgusting creature in his arms while balling his eyes out. "I'll get you to the Nozzy Centre quickly, so hang in there Usirnozz!"

The boy ran off at incredible speed, disappearing into the tree line.

"...What the fuck was that?!" Nagzz asked, after finally returning his slack jaw into its usual position. "Looked a lot like P*kemon. You tryna get yourself in trouble?"

Shh it'll be fine.

The bear turned to Nagzz, and tilted its huge head. A glob of saliva left its jaw dropping to the ground. Nagzz, having been routed to the spot, began to shake.

"Now listen the best way t..." Cedar was interrupted by Nagzz legging it back the way they came. The bear, giving into its instincts, took chase.

After running in a circle for two minutes, Nagzz finally turned left instead of right immediately cornering himself against a cliff. Stopping and looking back, he found his only escape cut off by a brown wall of bear. Nagzz stared at the bear hard trying desperately to see something useful, as he did he saw a schnozz stuck to the top of its head like a horn.

Zoology lvl 2 achieved

View status lvl 1 achieved.

Nose horned bear: a large beast very aggressive, especially when it sees a schnozz that rivals the size of its own.

Lvl 10


Sense of smell lvl 7

Tough hide lvl 5

Charge lvl 3

Bite lvl 6

Intimidate lvl 5

Swipe lvl 8

Before Nagzz could even begin to process the new information, the bear charged. Screaming and curling up into a ball, Nagzz cried as he waited for his inevitable mauling. However, just before the bear reached him by some sort of miracle a boulder fell off the cliff, and crashed into the bear's head, knocking it out cold.

A few moments later Nagzz timidly looked from under his cowering arms.

Ohh that was lucky. He thought.

Then he remembered about the new skill he just got.

"So I guess with view status I can see stats and stuff?" Nagzz asked.


"View status?" He said, looking at his own arm.

Nagzz21, Joey Bagels, bagel boy.

Lvl 1

Age 777,734


Goal- get milk

Title skills:

Captain obvious

Community Abandoner



Prof G


Finder of the lost tribe

The almighty Schnozz warden

No sense of direction



Creator of the best community on the internet

Life saver


Wholesome lvl 4

Noodle limbs lvl 3

Author's voice lvl 2

Zoology lvl 2

Explorer lvl 1

Streamer Lvl 9

YouTuber lvl 6

Vtuber simp lvl 6

Apprentice weeb lvl 8

Late lvl 9

Gamer max lvl

Sense of smell max lvl

Marketer max lvl

Advice giver max lvl

Plot armour max lvl

"Wait, what the hell is this plot armour??" Nagzz complained. "I am a professor G. I can overcome anything this world, and YOU can throw at me!"

Author's voice lvl 3 achieved.

If you're sure.

"Yes YEEARRRRRRFGHHGHGHAKDK>K!!!!!" Nagzz cried out in searing pain as the bear, suddenly conscious and on top of him, tore at his flesh and crushed his bones.

"Please! 'Lsaf tttruurrnn it baacckkk." As he cried the situation reverted to how it was before, with the bear still unconscious next to him.

"Ok I like this skill."

"Actually...could you give me like, max level on, view status?" Nagzz asked, trying his luck.

View status max level achieved.

Nagzz's head filled with information, burning into his mind as if it was being cleaved apart.

"Arrghhhh noo please make it stopp!"

View status lvl 1 achieved.

Finally the torrent of information stopped and Nagzz, for better or for worse, could hear his own thoughts again. That's the last time I ask this author's voice for anything. He thought.

That Time a Huge Schnozz Sniffed me into a Different World.Where stories live. Discover now