Ep8. A hero's tale

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Having been in this forest for a week Yamiangelo was suffering badly. Luckily water had been easy to find thanks to the local flora, however food was a very different matter. Yami stumbled around the forest desperate for anything that looked mildly edible. Breathing heavily his strength finally gave out. He collapsed, rolling onto his back and cursing his terrible luck. Tears seeped out as despair creeped into the space left by his exhausted frustration.

Just as he was ready to give up and sleep until the painful and bitter end, a tentacle, curled around an apple, slid into his view.

Ahh I see the hallucinations have started. He thought.

Even with this thought he still reached out for the fruit, grasping it and taking the fruit to his lips. Biting into it, its sweetness shattered Yami's despair.

Real food!

He barely bothered chewing, practically swallowing the chunks he bit off. The fruit did little to satisfy his intense hunger, but it was enough for him to sit up and regain his hope. In front of him a Thinker was watching, a feast laid on a pile of leaves before it. Nervously Yami took another fruit from the pile and ate it. With no repercussions he began to gorge on the feast.

"Thank you....truely I..I thought I was a dead man." Yami spoke as joyful tears fell from his eyes.

The Thinker indicated to him to follow it. Journeying a short while through the forest, he was brought to an area filled with large leaf beds. Within the area were several other Thinkers, their tentacles connecting with each other.

Yami quickly fell in love with this small tribe of Thinkers as they looked after his every need. However this didn't last long, Yami noticed that one of the Thinkers hadn't returned from the usual foraging trip. Concerned, Yami set out into the forest alone to search for his friend.

While searching he heard some familiar voices. Moving as quickly as possible towards them he listened intensely, just in case he was mistaken.

"That's another Thinker down."

"Hell yeah! Great job. I hate having that voice in my head, so I can't wait to rid the world of these dangerous creatures." The Tambo members discussed.

Yami stopped in his tracks. They..they.....no..there must be some kind of mistake. He thought, trying to deny what he had heard. He made a decision and pressed through the foliage.

"Heyy Preston and Cranky." Yami called out to them.

"Ohh hey it's Yami!" Preston called back.

" Damn Yami you look like you just got cucked by Cinnamon. Honestly I don't get why people don't like it, it's so fucking hot." Cranky replied


""Oohh K...."" Everyone reeled back from that one.

"What?" Cranky asked, somehow surprised that that was an incredibly weird thing to say.

"Anyway I heard you talk about getting rid of the Thinkers, why are you doing that? Can't you see how wonderful they are?" Yami asked, moving on from Cranky's cuck comment.

"What do you mean? They make the voice in your head you know, they are horrible creatures that are a blot on this world."

"How can you say that? Have you ever interacted with a Thinker before?" Yami asked, hoping that their ignorance could be cleared.

"Of course we have, and it's obvious that they are blights only good for being eradicated."

"What?!" Yami exclaimed. "There's no way you guys really know them. Look, come with me I'll take you the ones I live with. You'll definitely change your minds once you see how they really are."

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