Ep5. Is it a blimp? Is it the moon? No, it's Chibidoki's head.

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"Nagzz!, Nagzz!" Cedar's panicked voice called out. "Where are you?!"

Ceader appeared from the treeline in front of Nagzz, stricken with panic.

"Are you alright?" Observing the situation, she noticed the unconscious bear by Nagzz's feet.

"How did you manage that?!" She exclaimed, jumping to the wrong conclusion.

"What?...." Nagzz looked at the bear by his feet. "Ohh that was...nothing." He lied, having noticed Ceader suddenly deeply interested and blushing at him.

"When I first saw you I thought you were just some old jersey shore reject."

"That's a bit harsh...I can see where you came from though." Nagzz dejectedly agreed.

"But now I see that you truly are the warden. I promise I will support you wherever I can so please order me to do....anything." She said getting very close to Nagzz and placing a hand on his chest.


"...." Nagzz, left speechless and in a daze, followed Ceader as she began to lead him on their journey once more.

Leaving the forest, they were met by a great grassland that slowly sloped upwards to magnificent bare rock mountains. Captivated by the beauty of the scenery, Nagzz almost started wandering off in the wrong direction, before Ceader called him back to her.

They followed a simple dirt road that wrapped round the forest, encountering a few other travellers. Most of them walking with various species of schnozz creatures, and a few carriages bumbling along.

The trees to their left began to become more sparse and eventually curved away to the left. As they reached the peak of the small hill they were walking up, a circular walled city seemed to grow from the earth.

"There it is Nagzz, Stubblezz. The closest human settlement." Cedar announced.

Nagzz looked over the city and squinted his almost blind eyes.

"Isn't that the exact same city as KonoSub*?" He half asked, half accused.



"Is that a blimp?...no"

"The moon, right?..."

As the huge circular object approached more of its features became apparent. A pink swirl of string? Or something, covered the top of it, two large collections of the material spun like propellers on either side of it. It also appeared to have a disproportionate stick? No body, hanging from it and kind of flailing about.

"Chibi?!" Nagzz Shouted, having identified the mysterious flying object.

"Nagggzzzz!" "She" called back in that annoying high pitch voice "she" always puts on. "Howw arree you?"

"Yo Chibi I'm...well confused."

"How's that different from usual? Like bro you're thousands of years old, it's just an age thing."

"Probabl...Hey! At least my head isn't so big and empty it makes me completely weightless!"

"How does it feel smelling a room two hours before you enter it?"

"How does it feel knowing that you have the same body type as Jack Skellington?"

Ceader watched their argument, confused whether they hated each other, this Chibi is a love rival or that they were just that good of friends.

"Umm?" Ceadar interrupted. Both Nagzz and Chibi turned to her ready to launch another insult. Seeing her Chibi immediately dove behind Nagzz.

"Ohh hi." She whispered, in her real voice.

"I'm Ceader it's nice to meet you Chibi."

Chibi meakly nodded in reply.

"Wait." Chibi snapped up. "Ohhh . No wonder this beauty was following you around. You have one too."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Look here's mine." Chibi, ignoring Nagzz, excitedly reached into a bag pulling out a small pyramid.

"BuTa go!" She yelled, throwing the pyramid onto the floor.

The pyramid bounced once before shining out a blinding light. As the light faded NothingButaFan was stood where the pyramid had landed, rubbing his back.

"Listen Chibi, could you please make it a little bigger in there. It feels like I'm gonna get a hunchback if you carry me around in that thing for too much longer." He complained. "Anyway I'm not doing anything unless you show me the goods."

"Fine." Chibi reached back into her bag pulling out a collection of feet pics, which fan dove at, ripping them from her hand and crouching over his new treasures.

"Ohh yeas this is the stuff."

"Fan?..." Nagzz asked, not surprised but still weirded out.

"What!" He snapped. "Ohh Nagzz...listen it was my goal and this pepto bismol has been holding out on me."

"You got your feet pics hours ago!" Chibi outed.

"Wait, that means you can go home now?" Nagzz realised.

"Yeah I guess so."

"Yeah me too, my goal was super simple." Chibi bragged.


Skill issue

"Fuck you!"

"What was your goal, Chibi?" Nagzz asked

"I needed to get someone to simp for me."

"Huhh?...how the fuck did you manage that?!"

"Not telling."


"Anyway I gotta go. I'm streaming in a bit and my chat will miss me." Chibi said. As she did, a nagNose appeared out of nowhere sniffing Chibi into it, and disappearing with her.

"Yeah I gotta go too. Peace." Fan claimed, still holding his new collection of grippers in his hand and disappearing like Chibi.

Now left alone with Ceader Nagzz cursed his luck.


"Ahhh!" Nagzz screamed.

Chibi's gremlin laugh followed as she reappeared poking out of a nagNose nostril.

"I forgot to say that a schnozzian like her is super rare. You should definitely keep her around." Chibi advised indicating to Ceader, before disappearing again.

"What?!...wait no way. View status."



Schnozzian lvl 7


Allure lvl 10

Guide Max lvl

Close quarters combat lvl 5

Carry lvl 6

Steppies lvl 1

"But she doesn't have a schnozz!!" Nagzz yelled.

The Booba is a lie.

That Time a Huge Schnozz Sniffed me into a Different World.Where stories live. Discover now