Ep6. Hakaishin Mooni

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They entered the city under its large gates, following the crowds of people travelling towards the centre of the city. The further they went the more stalls and shops appeared selling all sorts of goods, from armour and weaponry to cloth and food. Yet, no matter how many shops and stalls Nagzz saw, he found none of them were selling milk. Eventually he gave in and approached an old woman sitting on a bench.

"Excuse me."

"Huh?!" The Old woman croaked.

"Excuse me." Nagzz repeated. "Can you help me, I'm looking for some milk."

"Why the fuck are YOU looking for mhilk?" She retorted, looking down on Nagzz. "Don't waste your time tryna fool me. I maybe old but I am far from stupid. So scram." She shook her head. Glaring at Nagzz even as he shrunk back and walked away.

Cedar placed a caring hand on his shoulder, rubbing it gently.

Carrying on, now afraid to ask anyone else, they walked to the very edge of the shopping district. Still milkless and with no more options Nagzz hug his head, wondering whether he'd ever get to leave this hell scape.

"Come on Nagzz, it's too early to give up. I'm sure you'll find milk somewhere." Ceadar consoled. "Look why not try asking someone who isn't about to die? Like that guy over there." Ceader pointed over towards a smartly dressed gentleman, standing by an alleyway.

"Ok." Nagzz sniffled, looking down at the ground as he approached.

"Excuse me."

"Wadda you 'an'? EEEehhhh?!" The man's rotten breath made Nagzz reel back, like the first time he smelt his own chair after stream that one time.


"WEL?! I'm a busy man 'ere." The man pulled down his stained collar, revealing a cowbell tattoo on his collar bone.

"Nagzz." Ceadar urged, pulling lightly on his shoulder.

"I was wondering if you know where I could find milk. Regular cow's milk." Nagzz stuttered, ignoring Ceader.

The man's eyes glinted and his attitude did a complete one eighty.

"Ahh I see. Yu've come to tha rhyt place mate. I know of a place jus' folla me 'n' I'll get yuh ther'." He smiled, gesturing grandly to the alleyway behind him.

"Nagzz we really, really shouldn't." Ceadar advised under her breath. "Listen he's.."

"I'm sure it'll be fine. You can't judge a book by its cover, you know. Plus this is my first lead on real milk."

"You're not wrong but his attitude..and Nagzz that tattoo."

"Yu al'ght bak ther'? Come 'n it's not far." The man interrupted, glaring at Ceader as he spoke.

"Yes, sorry." Nagzz answered, following without a hint of caution.

The man led them through a maze of alleyways and backstreets. Hooded individuals whispering in corners ended their conversation as the group passed, glaring at Nagzz and Ceader. Turning another corner they saw a group of fiercely angry men sitting on wooden boxes, playing with knives. Yet despite the shady setting and the numerous glares they received, Nagzz still didn't seem to realise, or at least didn't pay attention to it. His focus on achieving his goal was the sole thing causing the rusty cogs in his mind to grind forward. They don't call him Prof G for nothing.

Just as the stench of depravity rose in the streets before them, a shop came into view. The storefront was covered by an old rag that hung from a makeshift door frame. In front of the shop lay some rusted farm tools and several pieces of furniture in varying degrees of disrepair. It looked similar to an antiques shop, except without that homely warm feel they usually give off.

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