Extra story. Mods.

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Some of you fellow hiveminders may well have noticed a severe lack of mods within this story, and even fewer still will wonder why. No not because you are particularly curious about the details, but you're the only ones who actually want this thing to continue. Anyway, let me show you what happened to Nagzz' mods, when Nagnose appeared to sniff them into this deranged hell hole.


As Nagnose peaked over the horizon he noticed a small red dot traced on the centre of his huge forehead. Yep there's no chance with SSB. He thought before retreating away and choosing a different target.


Following his cringe detector device (works especially well for finding twitch mods), Nagnose found himself in a field. Taking a few steps forward, the device bleeped like crazy, as if he was standing right before one of his targets. Yet there was not a person to be found in the empty field.

Nagnose carefully scanned his surroundings, squinting his eyes and gently sniffing the air for clues. A familiar smell filled his nostrils, no not the smell of poor personal hygiene but the distinct smell of carrots. Looking down he realised he was standing on top of a carrot field, and one particularly bizarre carrot. He bent down, grasped the green floppy top of the carrot and slowly pulled it out of the soil. As he did he realised that the carrot was glaring at him with one eyebrow raised. Nagnose freezed in fear staring back into the carrots eyes, a shiver crawling down his spine as his instincts told him it was already too late. Behind the carrot appeared a gigantic mass of muscle in the shape of a man, holding a strange and definitely uncomfortable pose.

"あらら違うあいてをえらんだね。くらい私のにんじんポワードリル。やああああああああああああああ!!" (arara chigau aite eranda ne. Kurai watashi no ninjin powa doriru. yaaaa!!) The orange bodied mass of muscle began to spin, reaching speeds that whipped up the air. By the time Nagnose had begun to run away, the attack made contact, blasting the stubby creature off over the horizon.


Luckily splashing down in the sea, Nagnose frantically swam to the closest land mass. Crawling his way up the beach, leaving a deep nose groove in the sand, he finally found himself safe. With great effort he lifted his schnozz out of the sand and flipped himself onto his back. He lay there, chest heaving as he watched an old man hobble his way into view.

"You ok there son?" The old man croaked.

Still unable to speak, Nagnose just nodded in response.

"You know when I was a kid, I had to swim to the shore under enemy fire, fighting off their tactically trained attack sharks..." Nagnose tuned the old man out, as he droned on about a story he clearly doesn't remember well, and continued to recover from his ordeal.

Two hours later, after Nagnose's panting had returned to some form of normal, he happened to tune back into the old man's ramblings.

"And that's how I got my twitch name, Meyvol."

"Wait, what did you say?"

"Huh? Ohh so yeah my old buddy down in.."

"No, that last bit."

"Errr... I swallowed a grenade and saved the entire squad from being blown to bits...?"

"No! Your twitch name."

"Ohh that? Really? How dull are you?"

"Shut up, just tell me!"

"Meyvol." The old man sighed.

Nagnose silently stood up, his face stretching into a smile.

"It seems our meeting was fate, old man. It's time for you to face your biggest struggle."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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